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The Wet, Wet Garden

After worrying about the rain deficit (we were below normal for April), Mother Nature generously rewarded us with an abundance of rain this past week. I am not going to complain although I do wish it would skip my off-days. Today (Saturday) is an especially wet day. I ventured out briefly and took a few shots. The plants grow so fast from the rain. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

September blooms

A stroll through the mid-September garden -

Hyacinth Bean vine
Another vine, Sweet Autumn Clematis. This one pops up all over the place. This particular one is growing through a juniper. I'm always amused when I see it in catalogs at high prices. If you need some of this, let me know!

Yet another vine, Morning Glory. They really like September.

Dragon Wing Begonia - one of my favorite annuals

The only rose I found blooming today (unknown variety)

Lespedeza (Bush Clover)

Hardy Orange (Poncirus Trifoliata)

Northern Sea Oats

And the award for Hostess with the Mostess is Lantana "Miss Huff" - she is a blooming machine!

Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia)


  1. Nice to see someone else growing hyacinth bean vine. Mind just started blooming this week. I'm definitely going to have to get some sweet autumn clematis. Between yours and Pam @ Digging, I'm getting a bad case of plant envy.

  2. These are luscious photos, Phillip, and you must have the best hyacinth bean around! I've read of many failures with that one on various blogs. Your sea oats is farther along than the ones in my garden, mine haven't started showing any fall color yet. Yours look great with the blue pot in the background. And Miss Huff! What can I say..a blooming machine indeed!

  3. I pulled out my lantana last year (too big for my small garden), but when I see photos like yours I feel twinges of regret.

    I like your vines too. I'm one of the ones who's never had any luck wtih hyacinth bean vine. I'll have to ask MSS what her secret is. Knowing her, I guess it's not heavy watering, which is what I had suspected it wanted.

  4. Love the northern sea oats. I feel like I should say "thank you for using grasses in your garden". I can't believe how unpopular grasses, generally, are in the garden blogger scene.

    Please say more about Lespedeza. And the Hardy Orange. And that dry stacked stone retaining wall in the lantana shot. Basically, I want a whole tour. More, more, more.

  5. Thanks for all the comments. The hyacinth bean vine is kind of hit-and-miss for me. Some years it does well, some others not. I've learned that it likes poor soil and basic neglect. My vine is not near as pretty as some others here in town that have more sun than I do.

    Chuck, you can see more photos of my garden at

  6. Yes I was looking at the Sweet Autumn Clematis folks have and thinking is it as awful as the Clematis virginiana about seeding and spreading like crazy? The Virgins Bower, ie C. virginiana's bloom period was really rather brief as well. They look almost identical.

    Now I know. The Autumn Clematis is another spreader. I'll stick with the one I may not be able to get rid of.

  7. Lovely photos. I especially like the Sweet Autumn Clematis. Wish I could grow it here.

  8. The Hyacinth vine grows well and rampantly for me... but it takes forever to get any flowers! Phillip, your wonderful photo and the comment from MSS give me hope that I'll get blooms soon.

    The clematis on juniper photo is quite lovely.

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  9. These all look great. Nice job on the photos and the garden.

  10. You have some great plants blooming this time of year. I think next year I will try the Hyacinth Bean Vine. Do you have problems with bugs eating the leaves? Sweet Autumn Clematis is another I want to add to the garden..
    Love the look of the Northern Sea Oats against the blue pot. Blue is my favorite color for pot in the garden. I try to mix it up so not everything is blue but it is hard. I just planted the oats this year. Excited to see what it does this fall.
    We love love the Lantana but it is an annual for us. Is it perennial for you? Ours never gets that big.
    Cool pictures and thanks for sharing.


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