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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Visiting Randy & Jamie

[Click on photos for larger images]

Michael and I had a great weekend. We drove down to Prattville, Alabama to visit Randy and Jamie (of Creating our Eden). We've been chatting and e-mailing for almost a year now and we finally met them about a month ago. This was our first opportunity to visit them and see their beautiful garden.

The remarkable thing about this garden is that it was created just this year. In February, a tornado destroyed their garden (but thankfully did little damage to the house) and the garden they had been working on had to be started again from scratch. Two things immediately come to mind: 1) these guys work really hard! and 2) plants grow fast in south Alabama!

My first impression was how lush and colorful it all was. Randy was saying that the blooms were about gone and the garden was on the way out but he could have fooled me.

They have a large collection of cannas and I have to confess, I'm now seeing these plants in a new light. They were all beautiful and I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite.

This border features an abundance of tropical plants like banana trees, elephant's ear, cannas, and ginger. Notice the little 'Red Cascade' rose blooming on the topiary form.

A pink brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet)was loaded with blooms.

I love the way Jamie used pieces of slate underneath this sedum. Very creative! Hmmm, ever thought about a career in garden design Jamie?

This Buddha statue sits at the end of a pathway. The bees were really buzzing around the Mexican heather.

A lion statue sits in a corner.

Randy and Jamie like lions! These lion statues stand at the entrance to a garden wall that will soon be covered in confederate jasmine. They took us to the nursery where they bought them and we came home with a pair for our garden.

After going through my photos, I realized that there are aspects of the garden that I didn't photograph. I was really impressed with the grass pathways that meander through the garden. As the plants and trees mature, it is going to be a magical wonderland of mazes with a visual delight around every corner. No weeds in sight and the edgings are razor sharp! These are meticulous gardeners! I really felt like a slacker when I came back to our garden. Thank you Randy and Jamie for a wonderful visit!


  1. Phillip, I am so very glad that you and Michael came to visit and moreover, I am totally blown away by the wonderful photos that you managed to take in our garden. They are absolutely wonderful! You know, Randy and I (as I'm sure most gardeners do) overscrutinize our garden, because your photos have shown me we still have lots of wonder and beauty left for the season. I feel honored that our garden was a topic for a post on your blog. Thank you so very much and again the photos are just wonderful! You really have an eye for great photography. --Jamie

  2. Oh- My- Goodness! What a wonderful post you did on our garden Phillip... Your photos are INCREDIBLE and our garden has never looked so good. :-)I can't tell you how wonderful it was to have you and Michael as guest this weekend and I am really looking forward to our next opportunity to visit. Just as Jamie, I am truly honored that chose you post about garden on you blog. Coming from a gardener lie YOU, there's no greater compliment.- Randy

  3. I go back and forth on cannas too. Big foliage to flower ratio, but that's not so bad. They would be wrong in my current garden, but maybe someday...

    Amazing how fast the plants have grown.

  4. What a beautiful garden. I have not liked cannas before, but I do like the way they are used here.
    I enjoyed this tour.

  5. Great pictures Phillip!
    They sure do look like they work their little butts off!
    And I glad your too far to visit my garden. It's a complete mess compared to theirs!

  6. Don't you think that canna blooms look alot like orchids? I found a great use for those big ol' leaves, 'specially the stripped ones. I used them in lots of big arrangements for weddings this year.True, it has to be a large arrangement to carry them off, but they look great for huge centerpieces.

  7. I find it difficult to believe this garden is less then a year old! Wow, I am impressed! And "aint" it great to meet other garden bloggers in person? Especially in their gardens...

  8. I'm intrigued by the "garden wall" made of temporary fencing. What a great idea. When the star jasmine cloaks it in green, it will read like a solid wall, won't it?

    It's a treat to see how much Randy and Jamie have done in one short year. Their garden looks absolutely beautiful.

  9. I love the idea of bloggers photographing each other's gardens. Gives you a totally different perspective of a garden that may have become familiar. I've caught glimpses of my garden in online photo collections from our garden tour and they're usually things I never would have photographed.

    You should start a bloggers campaign or workshop on that!

    Although the nearest bloggers garden to me is Elizabeth of Garden Rant & Gardening While Intoxicated. I'm sure the photos would come out unfocused and tilted, depending on what's being served that day.

  10. It's a beautiful garden. As it happens I was just at their blog site admiring it. You added some photo I hadn't seen.

  11. What fun getting to visit an inspirational garden. I just love those cannas. The hummingbirds do too.

  12. Hi Phillip, what an envy inspiring post, you not only got to meet and visit Randy and Jamie but got to photograph their amazingly beautiful garden. After reading their posts, you hit the nail with the hammer that they are the hardest garden workers I have ever seen! That first shot of the grass and blue Salvia? is incredible, the light is perfection. Well done, as usual.

  13. I think a career in garden design would be a good idea Phillip :) It's hard to believe how much Randy and Jamie has accomplished in such a short time. If you hadn't told us we would've never guessed it's a new garden.

    Great photos and commentary.

  14. What fun to see Randy and Jamie's garden through your eyes, Phillip!

    It's especially interesting coming here from their blog - some of the same places but somehow a different view.

    Isn't it great to see a garden in person? And see the garden-ers in person, too?

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  15. Phillip, hello. Isn't it fun to visit the gardens of your gardenblogging friends? Randy and Jamie have created a lush garden and you say it is a year old! Wow! Thanks for the tour...gail

  16. They certainly have accomplished a lot since that tornado! I remember seeing their photos just after the tornado came through it looked like a monumental task ahead of them but it looks like they were up to the challenge. Great photos!

  17. I just found their blog and have become just obsessed looking at their garden. It looks like it should be in a magazine! And in a year! How fun to get it from a visitors perspective.

  18. It sure is! Hopefully there will be some more soon. I think my garden loves rain and cooler weather! I've just replanted spinach, we'll see what happens. Thanks for the sweet card! Glad you liked the ornament!

  19. Great photos of a lovely garden. Thanks for taking us all along.

  20. Hi Phillip,

    The missing Lost In The Flowers resurfaces. I even accomplished a blog post today :0)

    Cannas a really awesome! The leaves are such great contrast with their boldness. The blossoms are like an added bonus.

    Thanks for Sharing Jamie and Randy's garden. A totally incredible accomplishment following a tornado ... southern Alabama or not.

    Randy & Jamie - take a bow. But Phillip where is the rose covered topiary you mentioned? I didn't find it in any of the pics even with a second inspection.



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