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Swapping Huckleberries

Himalayan Honeysuckle ( Vaccinium glauco album)  Himalayan Honeysuckle ( Vaccinium glauco album) has been an attractive feature along our north-facing foundation since I planted it in 2016. You will have to take my word for it since I cannot locate a photo although I know one exists somewhere in the realm of the Internet or floating on a cloud somewhere.  I did locate a photo of how it looked when it was first planted - It took a few years to fill out but it did so nicely to an attractive mound about 2 feet high by 3 feet wide.  Last year, it started to look bad.  I cut it back but it had not improved and this is how it looked a few weeks ago - I decided to rip it out and plant another huckleberry - this time Vaccinium ovatum , more commonly known as the "Evergreen Huckleberry".  This is a plant that I've wanted for ages and kept putting off getting one because I could not find a good place for it. By most accounts, this is an amazing plant, a native one and excellent for

Chinese snowball

Speaking of viburnums, here is another popular variety that is truly a traffic stopper. Chinese Snowball (Viburnum macrocephalum) features the big pom-pom type blooms that start out pale green and mature to sparkling snow white. It is a fast grower and will attain great heights in only a few years. This shrub is about twelve years old and towers about 12 feet. I've started pruning it since most of the blooms are appearing near the top but I've yet to find clear instructions on how best to do this. I plan to reduce some of the older limbs this year after the blooms fade.

Apparently this was once hard to locate in nurseries. I've received countless e-mails inquiring where to buy it but those are dwindling now so perhaps they are now easier to find.


  1. Beautiful. They don't have a long bloom period but they really put on a show for a brief time. Some of my favorite shrubs.

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  3. Great picture! I love the combo! Wenus says hello! :-)

  4. Seems one of the comments above is a bit of a hijack.

    Beautiful photo Phillip. I like the statue in front of the viburnum.


  5. The positioning of the statue and the flowers make it seem as if there is a thought bubble coming from the statue! I wonder what she is thinking? Maybe "now where have my arms gone?"

    Beautiful plant, I love viburnums!

  6. I like the way the balls seem to be falling down onto or floating up out of the statue's head. I do love viburnums and this one is, as you say, a show stopper.

  7. Viburnums surly offer a shrub for every gardener and every garden. These look to formal for my wilderness, but they look lovely in your garden. Twelve feet tall and still growing! Be careful on that ladder when pruning this tall guy! gail

  8. THis is a gorgeous viburnum. I love the statue in front too. Great composition.

  9. These are beautiful! My seeds are doing so well. I will forever be grateful for the information you gave me back at :

    Happy Spring Dear Garden Friend.

  10. I love the snowball bushes. I have one that's still got a while until it blooms. I'm not sure what variety it is, the blooms don't get nearly that big.

  11. My neighbor has one and it is glorious right now! I am so envious!


  12. lovely photo! I have never heard of that one. I will have to hunt it down.

  13. This looks like a relative of the old Snowball bushes that were in every yard when I was a kid. They bloom with such abandon - no holding back.
    Must have been tough, too, because we dreadful children used to pull off the flowers to throw at each other in floral snowball fights.

    Wish I had one now!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  14. These virburnums are as stunning as hydrangeas - just beautiful!

  15. I have three of these from Lowe's in Tupelo, MS that I planted last year and they are doing great, getting ready to bloom. I love them!

  16. Stunning! I want a snowball bush in my yard but haven't yet found them in any of the local nurseries. I love how big this one gets. Thanks for sharing!

  17. I usually am able to get these for the nursery, coincidentally enough from a grower in Alabama. They go unnoticed until someone sees them blooming around town and comes in looking for that "big green hydrangea".


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