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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Camellia "Hana Jiman"

It is time for the fall camellias. These are the "sasanqua" camellias (the ones that bloom in late winter through spring are "japonica"). The first sasanqua to bloom for me is "Hana Jiman". It is covered with lovely blooms right now. The blooms of the sasanqua camellias are not as showy as the Japonicas but shine in their own delicate charm. I absolutely love camellias and if we ever move to the woods, I plan on having a lot of them.  

Another great sasanqua is "Bonanza" which grows next to our back door steps. For some reason, it has always been hard to photograph. It is pure red and just beginning to bloom. I regret that I did not plant one on the opposite side of the steps. "Yuletide", a Christmas blooming camellia is there and it is rather puny. This could be because the poor thing was moved 3 times before I put it in its present location. 

Other sasanquas that will hopefully bloom soon are "Cleopatra" and "Chansonette". More to come!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Hana is very pretty. I just love camellias but can't grow them of course. I would like to try one some time though. Always looking to push those limits (zones). Red is one of the most difficult colors to photograph to me. White is the worst I do believe. I hope you eventually get your forest full of camillias.

  2. I share your love of camellias. The japonicas start blooming for us just before daffodil time and I've one bed where the falling pink camellia petals form a mat which is punctuated by yellow daffodils and blue pulmonarias, a beautiful garden moment. The sasanquas are wonderful because they bloom in the fall/ early winter when most everything else is tired and fading. I wish you acres of these beauties!

  3. Lovely photo. I usually learn something from your blogs, as today. Very interesting!

  4. love camellias. we noticed a bloom on a camellia in the water garden just this morning. I don't think it's a c. sasanqua though. could it already be a c. japonica blooming? we've been so hot here lately, but we have had a lot of rain.

  5. I have Bonanza and it is happy where it is in my garden, but no blooms?? Think it might be in too much shade. Hate to think about moving it.
    Have Mine-No-Yuki and a Yuletide, Yuletide is the only one with buds on it.

  6. I have a japonica that gets buds but drop them before opening (in March). I never realized that the sansaqua might be better for us since I can water them and urge the bud to open.Thanks for the lesson!

  7. Thanks for the information about the different times of bloom. I thought all camellias just bloomed in the winter/spring. I have a March bloomer that buds but drops its buds before blooming. Maybe I should try a sansaqua. Thanks for the beautiful photo too!

  8. I have a japonica that gets buds but drop them before opening (in March). I never realized that the sansaqua might be better for us since I can water them and urge the bud to open.Thanks for the lesson!

  9. I started looking around and I have a c. japonica Pink Perfection bloom. it seems so early.

  10. Beautiful bloom. Now I know the difference between the sasanquas and the japonica bloom times!

  11. Hana Jiman is gorgeous. Do the petals get the brown water marks when it rains as a lot of whites do?

  12. Phillip, This is a lovely one, wish it was in our garden.. Saw our first camellia in Meg's daughters garden last Sunday.

  13. The blooms are a bit early this year but it looks like we are having an earlier winter.

  14. They are really lovely post. Those camellias are so pretty! Thanks for the beautiful bloom. Lovely share.

    Mitchel @ Cheap Sheds Propriety Limited

  15. Hi Phillip, Hana is lovely! I was thrilled to see my Leslie Ann camellia putting out blooms the other day. We are fortunate to live in an area that can enjoy fall and winter blooms!

    Regarding your question about the holly tea olive: it should also bloom. My variegated ones have never bloomed, however, and I think it's because I have kept them pruned too much. They should bloom on year old wood, so this next year I am going to be sure to prune mine in early spring only and see if they will produce blooms for me. Good luck with yours!

  16. I have always loved Hana J. There is a similar one called Apple Blossom but the pink is a little less bright. I have no sasanquas blooming yet, but they are popping all over the place at work.

  17. What a beauty! I planted a sasanqua when we moved here but had it in a spot that turned out to be less hospitable than I thought it would be and I ended up putting the poor thing out of its misery. I grew them when I lived in SC and miss them. I'm sure they must love your shade. :o)

  18. Phillip, That's a lovely delicate flower~I bought 'Cleopatra' hope I have given her a enough room to grow! I may have to move her!


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