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Rose Pruning Again

Late February to early March is the time for the major pruning of roses. Back in December, I did a preliminary pruning , now is the time for the last major pruning before the spring season begins.  First, a comment on hybrid tea roses. This is what most people have in their gardens. I only have a few hybrid tea roses. These are the roses that need the most drastic pruning. Basically, you cut all the canes down to about 1 foot, making the cuts right above an outward-facing bud. The result will be something like this -  Most of my roses fall into the shrub and climbing categories. These roses are pruned differently and not as severe as the hybrid teas. For shrub roses (and many of the David Austin English roses fall into this category), I first take out the older canes completely to the ground. The older canes are easy to spot - they will be thicker and darker in color. After thinning out the older canes, I remove any canes that are damaged, crossing one another and canes that ...

Cullman County ammendment to develop protected wilderness - vote no!

Friend and fellow blogger Peggy Hill passed this along to me to share. Please take a look at her blog post "The Fate of This Land May Be in Your Hands".

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Sounds like a very worthy cause Philip. I think people forget the value of land left undeveloped for future generations. It looks beautiful.

  2. I hope this stunning area remains protected. Why do some people only see natural areas in terms of how much money can be made from it? Wish I could vote on this but I live in NC.

  3. Hidden language is so horrible and uninformed voters should stay home! I pray Cullman County makes the right decision and I'm glad there are folks like Peggy who are standing for keeping this land safe.

  4. Thank you so much for posting about this important issue.


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