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A Brief Reprieve From Rain

Heathers  ( Calluna vulgaris  'Firefly' and 'Multicolor') I believe it is a given that if you leave home for a lengthy period of time, the weather is going to be clear and mild while you are away. And as soon as you get back home, the cold and rainy weather will proceed.  This morning, after a week of rain, I woke up to sunshine. Michael informed me that it was going to be dry until later in the evening. I had planned to stay home today since we are expecting deliveries. Our old refrigerator that we were using in the garage bit the dust last week. It was valuable for storing frozen foods and miscellaneous items when there was not enough room in our main fridge. We ventured out to our local appliance store a few days ago and while there, we decided to get a new microwave as well since our current one is beginning to do strange things. Those are to be delivered today as well as a doll that Michael ordered from Japan and will require a signature.  The rain over the past...

Garden Share Sunday: The Oregon Garden

The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR 
The Oregon Garden in Silverton is a great garden to visit in the middle of winter because of the fantastic conifer collection. I visited in January of 2015 and have never been any other time of year but maybe I will remedy that this year. 

If you would like to share, post a link in the comments section.

The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR

The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR

The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR

The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR

The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. We don't see a lot of conifers in gardens down here. Textual contrast is fascinating, especially first photo.

    Thanks, Phillip, for starting this.

    My links are about Camellias, the brightest star down here this time of year.

  2. I like the design. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I am excited to see this garden. I am trying to incorporate more conifers and their cousins into my garden. I am preparing for my dotage. ;)

  4. Thank you for sharing this beautiful Oregon garden. I am a fan of using various types of evergreens for all season interest, and this collection is absolutely stunning! I have quite a few evergreens in my own collection that give me much joy, but I am always looking for more!


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