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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

July Bloom Day 2017

Yarrow, lilies, agastache, Rose 'Marie Pavie'

We have so many blooms this month that I don't know where to begin! I know there is no way to include them all so I will select a few highlights.

The white rose in the photo above and below is the Polyantha rose 'Marie Pavie'. It is surrounded by Giant Hyssop (Agastache rugosa) and a Yarrow (Achillea) that I can't remember the name of.

Rose 'Marie Pavie' and Agastache rugose (Giant Hyssop)

Achillea 'Song Siren Little Susie' and Mexican Feather Grass (Nassella tenuissimaand)
A newly acquired Achillea named 'Song Siren Little Susie'. Mexican Feather Grass (Nassella tenuissima) surrounds it.

Buddleia 'Blue Chip' and Nicotiana
Buddleia 'Blue Chip Jr.' and Nicotiana 'Fragrant Cloud'

Monarda 'Scorpion' (Bee Balm)
Monarda 'Scorpion'

Hydrangea 'Pia'
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Pia'

Coreopsis 'Leading Lady Sophia'

Chaenorrhinum-origanifolium "Summer-Skies'
Dwarf Snapdragon
(Chaenorrhinum origanifolium 'Summer Skies') and Origanum 'Kent Beauty'

Clematis viorna
Clematis viorna

Penstemon 'Blue Midnight'
Penstemon 'Blue Midnight'

Gaillardia grandiflora 'Oranges and Lemons'
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia grandiflora 'Oranges and Lemons')

Filipendula rubra (Queen of the Prairie)

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice'
Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice'

Nemesia - I was told that these annuals would falter in the heat of summer but they seem to be quite tough.

Nigella (Love in a Mist)
Nigella (Love in a Mist), grown from seed

Nasturtiums in the vegetable garden

Rose 'Tequila Sunrise'
Rose 'Tequila Sunrise'

Petunia 'Moonstruck' and Osteospermum (African Daisy)
African Daisy (Osteospermum) and Petunia 'Moonstruck'

Fuchsia 'Santa Claus'
Fuchsia 'Santa Claus'

Fuchsia 'Golden Gate'
Fuchsia 'Golden Gate'
Mimulus (Monkey flower)
Mimulus (Monkey Flower)
Crocosmia 'Dragonfire'
Crocosmia 'Dragonfire'
Here is a shot of the terraced beds (a work in progress) -

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by May Dreams Gardens. Check out what is blooming in other blogger's gardens around the world.  

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Oh my Phillip, your garden is chucked full of luscious blooms. I love some of your combinations. Santa in summer is very good. The WOP is coming along quite nice.

    1. Thanks Lisa. We are a little gaga over the fuchsias here.

  2. Beautiful as always. I often use your photos as a screensaver on my computer. Thank you

  3. Looking amazing! Everything seems to have filled in so quickly! You have created an incredible transformation, Phillip.

  4. You seem to be right at home here in the PNW...

  5. Fantastic photos, I especially liked the opening combo vignettes. By the way, the steps are looking GOOOOD. Had nots seen any shots of it since you first started the project. Magnificent to see it now.

  6. So much to love! I really like the Giant Hyssop and the color of that Crocosmia. The Work in Progress looks fantastic.

  7. Wow! Your terraced beds are well on their way to becoming fantastic. I love Fuchsia 'Santa Claus!' I am jealous of all your healthy vibrant blooms; you can guess how blooms and gardeners are suffering in Alabama's July!

  8. Those terraced beds are coming along nicely. Great combo, that Achillea with the Mexican feather grass.

  9. What a luxurious display of blooms! Your first image reminded me of the kind of pictures I used to look at in books when I first started gardening. They set me dreaming about what might be possible and you certainly have achieved it.

  10. I'm a big fan of the Clematis viorna and the queen of the prairie.

    Have you grown love-in-a-mist before? I grew it one year intentionally and had approximately a bazillion seedlings the next year. Not sure if it will behave the same in the PNW, but just warning you. It's a cute plant and easy to pull, but not sure if you want a whole garden full of it...

    1. Aaron, I did grow it from seed in Alabama and it was amazing. I think it does reseed here as well. I will have to be careful.

  11. Your photos of your beautiful flowers are fantastic. I was fascinated by the mimulus. I thuoght t he crocosmia I planted last year never sprang into life - but here it is this year. I am so happy.

  12. Awesome! I have never seen some of the flowers above in the real. Thanks for sharing!

  13. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing your July collection!

  14. Things are really coming along in your new garden. I also grow 'Marie Pavie.' A friend gave me one for two of our children's First Communions, and they just chug right along. Do you find it easier to grow things out there? I imagine it's much easier, but is there a lot of rain in winter? Thanks for sharing on Bloom Day. I didn't get my Bloom Day post up in time. ~~Dee

  15. Absolute heaven!! I really wanted to try to grow Love in a Mist but no success. Boo!


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