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The Plants Bees Love

In this day and time, I would hope gardeners understand the importance of bees and other insects in the garden. However, from time to time, a person comes into the nursery and asks for plants that will NOT attract bees (sigh). They are not really gardeners though, they are just looking for a plant to fill a space. I find myself more and more intrigued by bees although I don't know that much about the different types. I do make note of plants that they like and try to add as many as I can to the garden. Over the past weeks, with watering a daily activity amidst a lingering heat-wave, I've conducted an informal survey and noted the plants that they seem to like the most. Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) is one of my favorite perennials and the bees love it too. I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly on it but we don't seem to have many of those. Everybody wants the "Showy Milkweed" (Asclepias speciosa) but I knew

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day - August 2021

August, how I hate thee. At least there are a lot of pretty blooms to look at, if you can tolerate the heat. Here's a look at some of the heat lovers along our southern facing back wall. The large crape myrtle is 'Catawba' and the smaller white one in the pot is 'Lunar Magic'. Also in the photo - Lantana 'Miss Huff', Brugmansia, Guara, Lobelia and the rose 'Gold Medal'.  The big tropical looking leaves in front of 'Catawba' is Honey Bush (Melianthus major).

Other blooms in the August garden -

This is exciting! Acanthus mollis (Bear's breeches) is blooming for the first time.

Allium 'Millenium'

Geranium 'Rozanne' and Aster 'Monch' with oregano. A bee-lover's paradise.


Cleome (Spider Flower)

Coreopsis 'Leading Lady Sophia'

Rose 'Cornelia'

Crocosmia 'Twilight Fairy'


Echinacea 'White Swan'

Rose 'Eden'

Pineapple Lily (Eucomia 'Sparkling Burgundy')

Fuchsia 'Santa Claus'


California Fuchsia (Epilobium (Zauschneria) 'Select Mattole')

Rose 'Gertrude Jekyll'

Goat's Rue (Galega 'Lady Wilson')

Heliotrope and Sedum 'Cherry Truffle'

Hydrangea 'Miss Saori'

Hydrangea 'Pistachio'

Rose 'Lamarque'

Ligularia 'Desdemona'

Lily 'Casablanca'

Morning Glory 'Granpa Ott'

Pennesetum '24 Karat'

Persicaria 'Golden Arrow'

Lily 'Stargazer'

Visit Carol's blog at May Dreams Gardens to find more GBBD posts.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Beautiful blooms!
    Those morning glories seem to have a light of their own!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. What an absolutely beautiful array of August flowers. I love the bears breeches; and, although I don't grow them, the morning glories are a favorite of mine. Your Rose 'Cornelia' photo is stunning. It must be great joy sitting in all that beauty.

  3. You still have so much blooming in your garden. I have never seen Datura but it is so different and beautiful. Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  4. Wonderful blooms throughout the garden. The crape myrtle in the pot is stunning. I love the contrast of the dark leaf and the light blooms. Ligularia 'Desdemona' blooms stand out against the dark foliage too: the flowers are such a saturated shade of yellow... Morning Glory 'Granpa Ott' look like glass ornaments!
    August not my favorite month either, but it's half gone. Hang in there and enjoy the plethora of blooms in your amazing garden.

  5. Wow! I'm really impressed by your selection. We're both 8b, yet your garden is in bloom with things that would die over the winter here. Either you're in a little pocket of warm, or I'm the opposite!

  6. You have so many plants I can't even dream of growing! I'm envious of the Gentian, pineapple lilies, and the goat's rue. I have a Eucomis that comes up each year but has never bloomed. I got 2 blooms on my Acanthus this year but the plants have long since ducked underground to wait out the summer. There was a time that Acanthus grew well here but those days seem to be over :(

  7. That Zauschneria/Geranium combination is breathtaking! And I love that bronze-leaved Crocosmia, it looks like a Phormium.

  8. Your gardens are absolutely gorgeous and photographed so beautifully! The Acanthus mollis blooming is such a treat! Happy Bloom Day!

  9. What a gorgeous garden you have! Happy Bloom Day.

  10. Wow ! Your garden is absolutely beautiful !

  11. Your Ligularia is not like the colors I am familiar with. I was surprised how much bee love my oregano, too. Did they come from Italy? We missed you during last month's GBBD.

  12. I guess the best thing about August is that it make you really look forward to September..not t mention October. Provided there are no fires of course. I've admired your photos of Lamarque..If I ever actually plant another rose it will definitely be a noisette.

  13. Wow! Fabulous. Even in August. Your Eucomis is breathtaking--do you grow it in a pot or in the ground?


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