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March Treasures

Camellia 'Magnoliaflora' and Pieris 'Valley Rose' Buds are budding, flowers are emerging, and the garden is getting greener. Excitement builds! It seems like it is all happening too soon and that is probably the case since the winter has been so mild. There are also mutterings about a "false spring" which is certainly understandable. It is not uncommon here to get a big snow in April. It has happened many times since we've lived here.  Proceed with caution... I would not dream of putting any delicate plants out yet so they will remain in the garage. However, there is a flurry of activities that needs to be done. Rose pruning, cutting back perennials and grasses, transplanting, etc. etc.  It is all worth it - the garden rewards - Crocus Daffodils Anenome Hellebore Camellia 'Donation' Euphorbia wulfenii Tree Heath ( Erica arborea ) Hebe 'Pretty in Pink' Pieris 'Valley Rose' Pieris 'Passion Frost' And last, but certainly not le...

Winter Greenery

Autumn Fern, Wheel Tree (Trochodendron araliodes), Aucuba 'Rozannie'
and Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman'

On Monday, the sun came out in a major way. Maybe it was the fact that it had been gray for so long, but it seemed extra bright. I had a few errands to run and everywhere I went, people were making comments about being blinded. 

The forecast is for the entire week to be dry and sunny. However, I was surprised to see that the clouds had returned on Tuesday and it was fairly chilly as well. But today the sun was back and it was nice working in the garden. 

I started work on revamping the terrace rocks which turned out to be more work than I had anticipated. No wonder the terrace walls had vanished - the majority of the rocks were now buried by years of accumulating leaves and soil additions. So, I am now in the process of removing the buried rocks and raising them.

I start taking photos of our evergreen plants which keep my going during the winter months. 

Fatshedera 'Aureo Maculata' - This amazing vine is a cross between fatsia and ivy. It grows on the back post of our pergola in a southern exposure that is in mostly shade (some dappled sun but not much). The leaves are dark green and glossy with lighter, almost yellow shades coming from the centers. 

Florida Anise 'Woodland Ruby' (Illicium floridanum) has now reached a height of around 6 feet. There are even a few blooms if you look closely. I don't recall it blooming during the winter months but there it is. This has become one of my favorite shrubs in the shady border even though the flowers smell like dead fish.

Not really an evergreen but quite a marvel right now is Hydrangea quercifolia 'Alice'. I cut it back some last year since it has become so huge. I was contemplating taking it out altogether, but this really gives me pause.

Sarcococca (Sweet Box) is blooming now but you don't see the blooms unless you look closely. You can smell it though, especially on a sunny day. 

Euonymous albomarginatus is such a wonderful shrub.
 It was already here when we moved in eight years ago. It is a plant that I probably would not have ever bought for myself and now I'm constantly amazed by it. It looks good any time of the year and brightens up the shady border. An occasional trim is the only maintenance.

Dwarf Yedda Hawhtorn (Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor') -
 I remember this shrub in Alabama - there it was called "Indian Hawthorn' but I never grew it because it was very marginal on hardiness. It did much better for a friend in central Mississippi. This came through our nursery and I decided to give it try and it has been flawless but it is beginning to get very large all of sudden. I have it planted in our courtyard which is on the south side of the house. It is also not too far from the foundation. It made it through last winter's nasty cold snap without a whimmper. I love the red-tinged foliage.

Osmanthus 'Goshiki' 
A member of the sweet olive family but not near as fast-growing as 'San Jose' which now stands at 8-9 feet. I did some trimming on this one last year. It tends to want to go horizontal. This variety also has the wonderfully scented flowers but they have been very light. I don't know if the shade factor diminishes the flowers. This only gets brief morning sun.

One of the near casualties from last winter's cold snap was the Pineapple Guava (Feijoa sellowiana). I thought it was a goner and almost dug it out but finally decided to cut it back and see what happened. It lives!

Mountain Pepper (Drimys lanceolata) -
This poor thing is stuck behind the massive oakleaf hydrangea "Alice' and cannot be seen. It was also broken in the middle by the last heavy snowfall.
I thought about moving it. I'm not sure how well it transplants.
It was a very slow grower until recently and now it wants to take off.

Eucalyptus neglecta (Omeo Gum) -
Now that it has cleared the top of the laurel hedge, it will be interesting to
 see what kind of character it achieves. I would love more space for these. 

A new addition - an evergreen dogwood!
(Cornus capitata 'Mountain Moon')

Deodar 'Feelin' Blue -
Gorgeous plant that needs an arch or something to grow on. 

Asian Jasmine (Trachelospermum 'Ogon Nishiki')
One of my favorite plants that I've had from the beginning. Extreme cold temperatures blemish the leaves but they rebound.

Juniperus chinensis 'Daub's Frosted' -
I planted two of these, one on each side of the street border, and they have been very successful. They have spread widely, about 5 feet and less than 2 ft. tall.

Chief Joseph Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta) - 
The growth rate on this one is fairly rapid (I'm estimating one foot per year). Just a stunner! I also have one in a pot.

Evergreens by the front window (l-r) - Boxleaf Hebe (Hebe buxifolia), Viburnum davidii, Rhododendron 'Ocean Lake', Pieris 'Little Heath', Skimmia

Picea orientalis 'Skylands' -
I rarely photograph it since I have to go to my neighbor's driveway to do so.
 It has acclimated to tolerate a full sun location but I 
would recommend some shade for this one.
Cistus 'Mickie', Clematis armandii and Loquat
The loquat is beginning to grow and expand our from the fence. 

Rosemary Grevellia (Grevellia rosmarinifolia
Another plant that is showing some significant growth. It doesn't look like much here but it is doing very well.

Camellia 'Mathotiana'
Camellias add so much to the winter landscape. Even without flowers, I think they are wonderful.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Wow, so many gorgeous colors. I'm thrilled your Feijoa made it through that awful ice storm! The pine and the deodar are breathtaking, as is the Fatshedera.

  2. It's wonderful to see all that healthy foliage! I love the 'Chief Joseph' pine. I hope you get more sunny skies before the week is over.

  3. You have so many choice shrubs besides the roses and the other wonderful plants you grow. I always thought it was--unexpected that a Fatsia could cross with an Ivy. Interesting Eucalypt, beautiful pine, gorgeous deodar, love that Euonymous. Tried to grow it--could not give it enough water.

    Enjoy the sunshine!

    1. How lovely to have so much greenery in the winter! We’re currently blanketed in snow.

  4. I always enjoy your garden updates and the descriptions of each plant.


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