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Rose Pruning Again

Late February to early March is the time for the major pruning of roses. Back in December, I did a preliminary pruning , now is the time for the last major pruning before the spring season begins.  First, a comment on hybrid tea roses. This is what most people have in their gardens. I only have a few hybrid tea roses. These are the roses that need the most drastic pruning. Basically, you cut all the canes down to about 1 foot, making the cuts right above an outward-facing bud. The result will be something like this -  Most of my roses fall into the shrub and climbing categories. These roses are pruned differently and not as severe as the hybrid teas. For shrub roses (and many of the David Austin English roses fall into this category), I first take out the older canes completely to the ground. The older canes are easy to spot - they will be thicker and darker in color. After thinning out the older canes, I remove any canes that are damaged, crossing one another and canes that ...

Re-Organizing My Gardening Library

So I have a lot of books. Before we moved to Washington state in 2016 from Alabama, I had even more but I got rid of most of my library with the exception of my gardening books. I also have quite a number of film history and biographies which you cannot see in the photo. The main unit, front and center, is the bulk of my gardening library, which consists of around 325 titles. To the left is my collection of "The Secret Garden" editions and a half-hearted collection of Ruth Rendell & PD James novels. And the books along the top are miscellaneous titles and ones that I'm in the process of reading.

Earlier this week, we had a cold, windy and rainy day, the perfect day for an overdue project - organizing and recording the library. Before this, I had the books arranged by subject matter, but this was not working for me. It seemed that every time I needed to find a particular book, it took me a while to locate it. I decided to organize the books by author. I usually remember the authors in my head but sometimes that doesn't always work. So, for good measure, I made a spreadsheet on my computer and recorded each one. (I have all the plants in the garden on a spreadsheet too). So now, there is order and if I can't remember who the author is, I should be able to find it quickly on the spreadsheet with a keywork search.

Since moving, I had added many titles because gardening books are easier to find here and I'm always coming across interesting titles. Our local library has a nice used book section that you can browse and pay on the honor system. Sometimes I find fascinating books there (but most often not). HPSO (Hardy Plant Society of Oregon) has occasional book sales and they are an excellent source for older gardening titles.

Recently, I was thrilled to find a wonderful used bookstore here in Vancouver called Vintage Books. It is a cozy little place, packed with books and there are even two resident cats (one whose name is Oliver!). They have a decent-sized gardening section as well a great mystery section.

I have a growing "to read" list. I come across many titles while reading other books that reference them. I also come across titles that interest me by watching people who review books on YouTube. When seeking out the books, I can then usually find them on Amazon or E-bay for little of nothing. However, when a local shop, like Vintage Books has them, I will buy them there. 

As I was organizing, dusting, recording, etc., I realized that I have a lot of books that I have not yet read. I also found duplicate copies of books that I didn't even know I had. I also noted that quite a number of books were signed, some directly to me but many others not. This happens when you pick up books at sales and don't look too closely at them. I was thrilled to find that I have a signed book by Graham Stuart Thomas. That was exciting!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Your library is very neat, as well as organized! I'm afraid my book shelves are a bit of a mess at present. When we moved to our current home 14 years ago, I reluctantly gave away all my books except those related to plants and gardens. I also gave away the duplicate garden books. Everything went to a local library. I read everything other than garden books on Kindle now but my book shelves are still overcrowded ;)

    1. I do use Kindle as well, especially when traveling.

  2. Phillip, what a great winter-time activity. I share your love of having things documented in spreadsheets. There's something very satisfying about having it organized and easy to find. My husband is envious of your shelf space! We're still working through boxes of books from our move and definitely have a shortage of shelving.

  3. Oh so neat and organized. I have thought about doing this very thing. Thinking and doing are two different things. Ha. Our bookcases are full and the library and various other rooms in the house have stacks of books. Books are a wonderful obsession. I have most all of the novels I read on my tablet. I wouldn't have room for them if not. My husband put a spreadsheet program on my computer. I should use it and I just might after reading this.

    1. I call it a spreadsheet but really I just created a table with multiple columns.

  4. Spreadsheets are a wonderful tool! I use them for many things. I entered my books, hopefully most of them anyway, into Library Thing which can be updated as I add or subtract to my collection.

    1. I use Goodreads. I forgot to mention that. It is a good way to keep a list of what I want to read as well as what I've read.

  5. Hey! You're talking about books again!
    And you included a "shelfie"! Cool, but it's too low resolution to read the titles, boo!
    I've been working on my garden book collection as well, also trying to add some older books. I (idiotically) did a garden book purge a few years ago in a (futile) attempt to be more minimalist. I've been trying to replace some of those books ever since. I may have donated some of them to FVRL, actually. The only ones I feel guilty about are the duplicates. I may have to go the spreadsheet route as well. This would force me to actually know how many I have, however. (I don't think it's as many as 325 though. (Goals?) )
    Are you going to give some of your duplicates to HPSO on their book donation day?

    1. A shelfie! I like that. I don't have too many duplicates, many 6 or 7. I was either going to donate them to HPSO or anyone that might want them.

    2. can't take credit for "shelfie", unfortunately. I got it from reddit. There are book subreddits dedicated to just showing off your collections and shelves.

  6. My favorite thing about this post is a certain orange-spined book I spot just up and to the left of center.

    1. Oh yes, haha. I recently loaned your book to a friend and she liked it so much that she bought herself a copy.

  7. A perfect rainy day task, but it looks pretty neat to begin with!

  8. I use Book Collector software to inventory my books. Just scan in your book using your phone to scan the ISBN number. It loads a picture of the cover and all information to your list. Love seeing your library. Thanks.

    1. Thank you Michael. I'm not familiar with it but am interested. I will check it out.


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