
A Brief Reprieve From Rain

 (Calluna vulgaris
 'Firefly' and 'Multicolor')

I believe it is a given that if you leave home for a lengthy period of time, the weather is going to be clear and mild while you are away. And as soon as you get back home, the cold and rainy weather will proceed. 

This morning, after a week of rain, I woke up to sunshine. Michael informed me that it was going to be dry until later in the evening. I had planned to stay home today since we are expecting deliveries. Our old refrigerator that we were using in the garage bit the dust last week. It was valuable for storing frozen foods and miscellaneous items when there was not enough room in our main fridge. We ventured out to our local appliance store a few days ago and while there, we decided to get a new microwave as well since our current one is beginning to do strange things. Those are to be delivered today as well as a doll that Michael ordered from Japan and will require a signature. 

The rain over the past week has been good, however, because I've accomplished some transplanting and it is good to have moisture for that.

I am getting caught up on pruning although there remains much to be done on that front. 

I puttered around out front so I could be on the lookout for FedEx. I was musing over the things that I should have done during the winter months and didn't -

I want to replace our front gate and arbor. I've been collecting photos on Pinterist and I am leaning toward something like this -

Of course the gates that I really love would not look right with our ranch-style house so I am constantly reminding myself of that. I would also like to incorporate our gigantic mailbox somehow into the design but I would need a designer to help me figure that out.

I've also been mulling over our walkway which needs attention. Since the walkway slightly inclines, I was thinking large pavers would work. However, it is such a small space that a smaller patterned stone or brick might be better. 

I see a lot of this lately but I don't know - too modern looking?

As Scarlett said, "I'll think about that tomorrow". In the meantime, some easier things to contemplate -

Skimmia and Pieris 'Little Heath' looking fantastic right now.

Camellia 'Bella Rossa'

Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow'

I'm pleased to see that Eucalyptus 'Baby Blue' made it through the winter. 

A surprise in the sequoia!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. I'm glad you got a break from the rain to putter in the garden. While I personally find it impossble to be irritated by any rainstorm, I recognize that it must get tiring in your climate. Your garden looks great as it is but I'm sure you'll find suitable gate and pathway improvements that fit your needs. Your photo of Euphorbia 'Ascot Rainbow' left me wondering where mine went to...

  2. Sun comes out here at last tomorrow in Norcal. At least for a couple of days. I love the Pinterest arbor, but can see your concern with the architecture style of your home. I'll bet there is a way to tweak it . Maybe all it would take is a softening of the pitch of the gable.


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