Rose Pruning Again
Late February to early March is the time for the major pruning of roses. Back in December, I did a preliminary pruning , now is the time for the last major pruning before the spring season begins. First, a comment on hybrid tea roses. This is what most people have in their gardens. I only have a few hybrid tea roses. These are the roses that need the most drastic pruning. Basically, you cut all the canes down to about 1 foot, making the cuts right above an outward-facing bud. The result will be something like this - Most of my roses fall into the shrub and climbing categories. These roses are pruned differently and not as severe as the hybrid teas. For shrub roses (and many of the David Austin English roses fall into this category), I first take out the older canes completely to the ground. The older canes are easy to spot - they will be thicker and darker in color. After thinning out the older canes, I remove any canes that are damaged, crossing one another and canes that ...
Sound advice for those in your corner of the globe. I hope you can deal with the problem effectively now, your hydrangeas look magnificent in previous posts.
ReplyDeleteThis is good to know. I hope not to see such a thing here. I have lots of hydrangeas.
ReplyDeletePhillip, that is a shame that you may have to destroy them. But at least you know and have been able to warn others.
ReplyDeleteHydrangeas bring such great color & texture to a garden.
I agree with Lisa...I have not seen this problem in Illinois (as of yet!!) and hope I will not. I have added many hydrangeas to my property over the past few years and would hate to lose them. Good luck with yours!
ReplyDeleteP.S. You have an interesting blog - I am new to blogging and realize I have much to learn... :)
Who knew?! I wonder if this is what killed my limelight. I had assumed it was some sort of fungus/rot.
ReplyDeleteYikes! I don't grow the hydrangeas that you do...and boy are yours beauties~but I'll pass this info onto friends. Thanks Phillip, gail
ReplyDeleteFortunately, this hasn't hit hydrangeas in MI yet, but it's good to be aware of. Yet another reason I love reading blogs from around the country! :)
ReplyDeleteOh, man, that is the pits. Glad you figured out what it was. I'll keep watch on my hydrangeas too.~~Dee
ReplyDeletethanks for comments
this is the site that i found that explained how to do the rose cuttings - like i said it's the wrong time of the year - the rose has no leaves, but i still hope some of them make it. Good Luck!
Philip, thanks for the tips on the Hydrangeas.
ReplyDeleteBTW, your hydrangeas look great
Irish Florist
I just discovered this borer in my own garden. I am new at gardening, but planted Hydrangea's this spring - one of my favorites. My husband & I purchased a hundred yr old farmhouse with an acre of property, so there was already a well established Hydrangea there, and now they both have what appears to be the "black twig borer" you described. Were you able to get rid of it? Do you have anymore tips? Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAm having a significant issue with these this year 2021 in Atlanta, GA on Blue Nikkos. Seem to also be targeting stems on an adjacent bay laurel. Seems to target both old growth portion of stem and new growth indiscriminantly - is there ANYTHING that could be added to the soil to eliminate them? Have yet to actually see one on the 'outside' of the stem or even see any larvae when I cut the stems off and cut them open to inspect - just very small black bugs themselves. I am afraid i am going to completely lose a 10 year old hydrangea. Seems like the more stems I cut, the more they attack other stems at this point.