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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Late winter chores

Today was our "winter break" holiday so I had the day off. Fortunately, for a change, the weather was really nice. It was sunny and temperatures got up into the 50s. I worked on installing the last bit of edging around the dwarf mondo grass beds in the front garden.


and after...

I also transplanted a rose. Beautiful Marie Pavie has always been quite beautiful along the fence on the north side of the property. However, things change. You can see how it looked a few years ago in the link but the past few years, she has suffered from less sunlight and crowding from the evergreens planted nearby. I decided to move her to the front border outside the fence in front of the house.

When transplanting, dig as much of the rootball up as you can and try to keep it intact. If the rootball crumbles and falls apart (which often happens), just mound a cone of soil in the planting hole and spread the roots down over it, like you would when planting a bareroot rose.

Dig your hole in advance and add some compost or good soil to the planting hole. When digging the hole, keep in mind that the width is more important than the depth. Rose roots spread outward and don't go that deep.

Place the rose in the planting hole at the same depth that it was growing in its previous home.

Fill the hole with soil and water it well. Gently tamp down the soil to eliminate air pockets. Apply a generous mulch -

Finally, prune the rose. As you can see here, I pruned this one pretty drastically. I cut out all the dead canes and cut the green canes down to an outward facing bud. (If you are transplanting a large and unruly rose, you might want to prune it first before digging it up.)

In a few weeks, when new growth appears, I will fertilize it lightly. Hopefully, she will be beautiful again in her new home.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. How nice that the weather cooperated for your day off!

    Thanks for the transplanting tips.

  2. Phillip, good advice on the transplanting of Marie. I love Marie and have two of her which were given to me when two of my children had their First Communions. A friend bought Marie because she is white. It's not warm enough here to do much dang it~~Dee

  3. Your edging looks great. It's nice to be able to get out and get some chores done now. I hope your rose loves her new spot and gives you more flowers than ever.

  4. Phillip- today was glorious though I had to play "beat the clock" to get much done before dark. My thermometer read 58 degrees at 4:30pm. I did not know about the seedling give away. I'll check the paper for it but if I can't find it I'll email you later. I transplanted a tree hydranga today. Feels great to actually accomplish things doesn't it??

  5. It hasn't hit 50 here yet this year. I can't hardly wait. Your Mondo patch will look so neat with that edging around it. I think the lion looks so helpful holding your tools. I have a list of things I want to move when it gets warm. Watching your rose move makes me anxious to get started.

  6. Phillip, so pleased to know you got warmer weather; I love 50 degree days for work in the garden. Yearz ago I learned (through experience) that a rose should not be planted in the same hole from which one was removed. Research would have saved me some disappointment. ;)

  7. Phillip, it looks like a great day and the results of your labor is evident in your photographs.

    Enjoy your weekend...

  8. We too had the day off from school Friday - it was a furlough day for us.

    The sun came out and we cut all the border grass - even though it was a month late - i then i "got ugly" with the roses too.

    Today promises to be just as beautiful - enjoy!

  9. Good luck with your looks like it should do well.

  10. I've been thinking about transplanting one of my roses...thank you for the tips :D

  11. As always, I am envious of your pine straw! I actually enjoy moving plants around, even shrubs, due to changing conditions. I moved a bunch last spring. A gardener's work is never done, but we like it that way! :)

  12. Finally, the South gets some seasonal weather! Here in NC it's supposed to be in the 50s today. I just finished raking out the gardens and got half the liriope in the back sheared (my least favorite chore). I have 60 bales of pine needles & 25 bags of mulch to spread before the next rain, I hope.

    Your mondo grass is filling in beautifully! Love the paths too. I wondered what the red thing was on the lion's head. Thanks for clueing me in, Lisa. :)

  13. Those are my gloves on the lion's head. I didn't notice them when I first put the photo up.

    Another gorgeous day, in the 60s today!

  14. Phillip, I'll bet she will spread her wings and fly after the loving attention you gave her. I dearly love this little rose.~~Dee


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