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Chilean Fire Bush - a hidden jewel in our garden

It is heartbreaking that this beauty is hidden in our garden but at least the hummingbirds have found it. Hidden because it is planted behind a 7 feet tall rose. I planted it there because I was under the impression that it would become a tree. It can indeed become a tree and there is one growing about a mile from our house that is around 20 feet tall.  In our garden, it is taking its sweet time and is only 4 feet tall after being planted seven years ago (2017). It did not begin to bloom until its fifth year and this is the first year flowering has been so profuse. Whenever I think about this plant, I always remember what the Gosslers said in their book "The Gossler Guide to the Best Hardy Shrubs". I quote it here: "Since this plant comes from southern Chile, we begin with a word of warning: it will not grow anywhere in the United States outside western Washington, Oregon and northern California. People wanting to grow E. coccineum in the eastern part of the country will

Container combination

Coleus "Defiance" and Variegated Plectranthus (Swedish Ivy)

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. I love the container. And your pedestal behind it with the ladies!

  2. Beautiful...I love the combo! Have you been having rain lately? We've had quite a bit and the plants look happy now!

  3. Love it! I do coleus in containers every year. It is one of my favorite container plants. What are some of your tips on keeping it looking so good? When do you pinch it back/trim it? Yours looks so good, I know that you have to have some tricks up your sleeve!!

  4. Awesome color - I love that coleus. I am saving it's name so I can add it next year.

  5. These look great together! Coleus is just the most beautiful summer foliage plant.

  6. It does catch your eye, beautiful.

  7. Hi really like these combinations Phillip~You've got texture, color and different leaf shapes! gail

  8. Yep, I like this combo. The coleus is such a surprising plant. They look so small in spring and then they take to the heat and humidity and grow large giving such a lovely show with just those leaves.

  9. Simple and elegant, I like it. My coleus isn't doing well this year. I've about given up on that container

  10. I do love Coleus(es?). The colors (and name) of 'Defiance is so vibrant. I actually sowed some Coleus and they turned out great. The recent rains have made my container with them in it double in size (um, the plants, not the container itself, though it would be nice if it could expand alongside!)

  11. Granna, we got about 1/2 inch on Monday. Not a lot but it helped.

    Lisa, actually I don't do that much to them except occasionally pinch them back if they start to get too tall. Some years coleus does better than others - last year they didn't do much, this year they are. I don't know how to explain it!

  12. I love coleus. Your's has an award at


  13. Really pretty combo. I like how you have it displayed also.I have been following your blog for some time and enjoy your posts.

  14. Excellent combination. I like Coleus too. Wonderful foliage for great containers.

  15. Mmmm, pretty. Love your new background BTW.~~Dee


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