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Chilean Fire Bush - a hidden jewel in our garden

It is heartbreaking that this beauty is hidden in our garden but at least the hummingbirds have found it. Hidden because it is planted behind a 7 feet tall rose. I planted it there because I was under the impression that it would become a tree. It can indeed become a tree and there is one growing about a mile from our house that is around 20 feet tall.  In our garden, it is taking its sweet time and is only 4 feet tall after being planted seven years ago (2017). It did not begin to bloom until its fifth year and this is the first year flowering has been so profuse. Whenever I think about this plant, I always remember what the Gosslers said in their book "The Gossler Guide to the Best Hardy Shrubs". I quote it here: "Since this plant comes from southern Chile, we begin with a word of warning: it will not grow anywhere in the United States outside western Washington, Oregon and northern California. People wanting to grow E. coccineum in the eastern part of the country will

Rose Inventory A-Z - The "A's"

So here goes with the rose inventory. I didn't realize how much work this was going to be. Of course, getting photos is the hard part. I'm sure I will miss some along the way but hopefully I can catch them in the end.

Roses A

Altissimo - This poor rose is squeezed into a tight spot - in between a Colorado Blue Spruce and a red maple tree along the front fence. It blooms every year and I really should consider moving it - where, I'm not sure. This is one of the deepest reds I've seen in roses. It is a climber although the canes are very stiff. They stand straight up in the air and I think they would be hard to work with.

Aloha - I planted this rose a few years ago so it is one of the newer ones in the garden. It is classified as a climbing hybrid tea. The blooms are full, pink and very lovely. It is planted in one of the lower borders among other roses and perennials.

Close-up of Aloha bloom
Abraham Darby - One of David Austin's exquisite English roses. They are simply stunning but I've had mixed results growing them. They are prone to blackspot and are not as carefree as the older roses. I've learned that some Austin roses do very well in our hot and humid climate and others simply sit and mope. 'Abraham Darby' is kind of in the middle. It is a strong grower and needs a support to grow on.

Abraham Darby

Alba Meidiland - We planted these roses on the bank in front of our house the first year we moved in (1992). We also have 'Scarlet Meidiland' which is just as good. I recommend the Meidiland roses highly. They are great shrub roses an do well as a hedge or covering banks. There was a Rose Rosette episode in the garden a few years ago and a few of these were affected. I managed to destroy the infected ones and the rest are fine. 'Alba' easily makes more plants when the long canes fall on the ground.

Close-up of Alba Meidiland bloom
(the pink bloom in the bottom left corner is Climbing Fairy)
Alba Meidiland on the bank in front of the house
Another view of the Alba Meidiland roses, looking up the street

 Stay tuned for the B's!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Make your map in an Excel spreadsheet map so you keep up with them. Very pretty, wish I had the patience for roses. Mary

  2. looking forward to the rest of your alphabetizing! You have the most amazing collection and I love the way you work them into your landscaping

  3. What a great post! I love this whole angle on posting your collection! I will stay tuned....

  4. Great idea! Sadly, my Aloha and White Meideland (not the same as Alba, I guess) never looked so beautiful. I'm going to enjoy your alphabet. Do you mind copycats?!!

  5. This is fun, I'm glad that you are taking the time, I can't wait to see the rest.

  6. Not at all Sherry - that would be fun!

  7. You have the most amazing yard for being 'in the city'. Especially love your selection and growing areas for your roses. I can only imagine what your yard looks like, why not draw a picture of your yard and put it on your blog?
    Thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas!

    Sable - AK

  8. Wow, and that's just "A"! Can't wait to see the rest of the alphabet... what an amazing collection of roses you must have. That Alba meidiland looks so lush.

  9. Beautiful roses! Hope y'all are doing well. Come to the rose show May 12 & 13 in Bham at the Gardens...

  10. The Rose Records may be work for you, Phillip, but they're going to be Awesome from our side!
    I left a pair of Alba Meidiland roses behind in the Illinois garden - now wish I'd cloned a piece & brought it along to see if it would live in Texas.
    I wonder how many people change their walking routes just so they can pass down your street!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  11. The rose hedge in front of your house is just breathtaking! I wish I had so much space to plant.... You have an amazing rose collection, I can't wait for the rest of the alphabet.

  12. You must have folks driving by at 5 mph Phillip! Beautiful!!


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