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Rose Pruning Again

Late February to early March is the time for the major pruning of roses. Back in December, I did a preliminary pruning , now is the time for the last major pruning before the spring season begins.  First, a comment on hybrid tea roses. This is what most people have in their gardens. I only have a few hybrid tea roses. These are the roses that need the most drastic pruning. Basically, you cut all the canes down to about 1 foot, making the cuts right above an outward-facing bud. The result will be something like this -  Most of my roses fall into the shrub and climbing categories. These roses are pruned differently and not as severe as the hybrid teas. For shrub roses (and many of the David Austin English roses fall into this category), I first take out the older canes completely to the ground. The older canes are easy to spot - they will be thicker and darker in color. After thinning out the older canes, I remove any canes that are damaged, crossing one another and canes that ...

Roses D-F

Daydream - This rose was selected as an All-American Selection in 2005. Most of the roses I grow are older varieties but occasionally a rose catches my attention and I can't resist. This was the case with Daydream at our local Home Depot a few years ago. I have been very pleased with it. It is a low-growing rose, well rounded and covered with fushia-pink single blossoms throughout the season. The blooms remind me of an old rose which is probably why it first caught my attention.


Daydream in the border - its low-growing habit makes it a good choice for the front of the border.

Dusky Maiden - This little floribunda rose has been around since 1947 and was one of the first roses we planted in the garden. The poor thing has been moved around numerous times and still exhibits a few blooms every year. The bush itself is rather puny and has never been a vigorous grower. Dusky Maiden is a popular rose used in breeding programs and is a favorite of David Austin. The deep red velvety single blossoms with gold stamens are very striking.

Dusky Maiden
F. J. Grootendorst - Another tried-and-true performer, this is one of just a few rugosas in the garden. Rugosas are usually better suited for coastal climates but this one does remarkably well here and is a survivor. Ours was crushed one year by a felled hackberry tree during a storm. I thought the rose was a goner but it came back stronger than ever. Recently it has suffered by eccessive shade but still does well. Rugosas are extremely thorny. This variety has small fushia-pink blooms that remind me of carnations.

F. J. Grootendorst
F. J. Grootendorst
Fantin-Latour - This rose is named after the French artist who painted beautiful flowers and roses such as this one in the nineteenth century. It is a classic "cabbage rose" but one whose classification is somewhat controversial. It is generally considered to be a centifolia because of its flower and blooming habits but many rosarians say that the foliage is definitely china. Despite the questionable origin, it is a favorite among old roses. It flowers only once a year with blush pink blooms that open in a swirl design to reveal a button center. Foliage is pale green and it is not thorny. It is very tall and upright (more than 6 feet) and somewhat lanky in my garden. Over the years, flowers have become more profuse. Delicious fragrance!

Felicia is among the more mild mannered of the hybrid musks. Her dainty semi-double blooms are small (about 2 1/2 inches) and sweetly scented. Color starts out as clear pink and fades to silvery pink. Blooms are long lasting and repeat is good. They make excellent cut flowers. In girth, Felicia is not as vigorous as most hybrid musks. Growth remains narrow and tall and thus makes a good candidate to train on a pillar. Left to her own devices, a 4' x 4' bush can be expected over several years (growth rate is slower than other hybrid musks). This rose would work better in a perennial grouping or shrub border than as a specimen plant. A good choice for a smaller garden.

Fortune's Double Yellow - Robert Fortune (1812-80), a plant hunter, discovered this rose growing in the garden of a wealthy mandarin in Ningpo, China. The rose is also known as Beauty of Glazenwood and San Rafael Rose. This is a glorious beauty when in full bloom but it took six years before it ever bloomed for me which brings up an interesting story! I was about to give up on this rose when it bloomed for me the week my father died. It is therefore special to me. I did go ahead and move it because it was suffering from too much shade. It seems to be happier out on the front fence (the following photo was taken last year). 

The blooms come early, in late April here, and last for several weeks. The copper buds open to yellow with a hint of pink and they gradually become darker with age, sometimes displaying hues of orange red. The blossoms open at intervals so the combination of all the different colors at once is truly spectacular. This is a very tender rose and performs best in a warm climate. It can be trained as a climber although be prepared to wrestle with the hooked thorns. Left to its own devices, it will sprawl into a large cascading mound. 

Fortune's Double Yellow
Fortune's Double Yellow
Francois Juranville - Lovely! This vigorous climber can attain 25 feet in just a few years. Like most of the wichuraiana bred roses, it has long thin pliable canes that are virtually thornless and easy to work with. It is an excellent candidate for a pergola or large structure. It and Rambling Rector fight for dominance on the pergola. The blooms are small (about 2 inches), extremely full and a soft powder pink color. Cooler climates will produce coppery pink blooms. Fragrance is moderate and similar to that of green apples. Leaves are very small and a dark green glossy color. This is a one time a year bloomer.

Francois Juranville

Francois Juranville

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Very beautiful, all of them! More and more, I am wishing for additional sunny places to plant more roses. If only there were one for shade!

  2. I wish my roses were blooming now but here in Oregon we're still a week or two away!

  3. Your selections are all so beautiful... I really like that Daydream - it looks so poised, and Francois Juranville is stunning! When you have gotten to the end of the alphabet, would you do a series of posts on roses that DIDN'T make the cut for you (and why)? You are obviously very selective in your rose choices!

  4. Oh so very pretty. I can't have roses here, just too much shade. What sunny spots we have we are putting in veggies as produce is so much higher in cost than in Mobile. Love your roses and your garden looks so mature. Easy to see you've been working on it a long time. Carol

  5. Looking forward to each one of these posts!

  6. Gorgeous roses and photographs Phillip! You have got me daydreaming. Enjoy the fling!

  7. I think Dusky Maiden in drop dead gorgeous!

  8. Your article is amazing! Keep up the good job. Congrats!

  9. WOW! How wonderful to be surrounded by so many roses. I'd also love to know which roses you've gotten rid of over the years. I've had to chuck a few that were just too disease prone.

  10. The last one you show, in the close-up it looks like a peony! I love the scent of roses but kind of shy of them as they bite back.... The Saint and I are enjoying getting to know you guys at the Fling!


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