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Dancing Oaks Nursery & Gardens

Another notch off my horticultural bucket list was a long overdue trip to Dancing Oaks Nursery & Gardens. I have purchased plants from this nursery at their booth at Hortlandia but had never been to the physical nursery.  When friends Linda and Marvin invited me to join them, I jumped at the chance.  The drive to Monmouth, Oregon is a long one, about two hours, but the countryside is absolutely beautiful and a refreshing change from home where there is always a car on your tail (I have a hang-up about that) and there is always a car coming when you are turning at a stop sign - always . There are mostly farms and orchards here, some covered with breathtaking blankets of white, planted with what we were later told was “meadow foam”.  A long gravel road leads to Dancing Oaks. This plant paradise has a number of small greenhouses full of rare and hard-to-find plants. The display gardens surrounding the nursery is a beautiful place to see many of the sale plants in action. The nursery i

Wednesday Vignette - Spirea & Barberry

 Barberry 'Orange Rocket' and Spirea 'Ogon'

Wednesday Vignette is hosted by Anna at Flutter and Hum. 

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Another lovely combination, Phillip. I wonder if the barberry would color up like that in my climate? Sunset says the species B. thunbergii will grow here, although I can't say I've ever seen it for sale locally.

    1. Kris, I'm not sure but I know that the color was nice in Alabama, where it was warm.

  2. Must hold on to those gorgeous, yet fleeting colorful vignettes...

    1. Yep, not many days left. The leaves are falling fast.

  3. Must hold on to those gorgeous, yet fleeting colorful vignettes...


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