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Rose Pruning Again

Late February to early March is the time for the major pruning of roses. Back in December, I did a preliminary pruning , now is the time for the last major pruning before the spring season begins.  First, a comment on hybrid tea roses. This is what most people have in their gardens. I only have a few hybrid tea roses. These are the roses that need the most drastic pruning. Basically, you cut all the canes down to about 1 foot, making the cuts right above an outward-facing bud. The result will be something like this -  Most of my roses fall into the shrub and climbing categories. These roses are pruned differently and not as severe as the hybrid teas. For shrub roses (and many of the David Austin English roses fall into this category), I first take out the older canes completely to the ground. The older canes are easy to spot - they will be thicker and darker in color. After thinning out the older canes, I remove any canes that are damaged, crossing one another and canes that ...

Spreading Manure

It was a beautiful day to work in the garden - sunny and in the upper 40s. I was motivated to get out and move after stepping on the scales this morning and facing the grim reality of having gained 6 pounds. So I went for a long walk around the neighborhood. Upon returning home, I received a message from a lady who had posted that she had horse manure available. 

It turns out that she wasn't that far from me. The manure is absolutely beautiful and it was still smoking when I got home with it. I managed to spread almost all of it. I've had pain in my upper arm and shoulder for almost 3 months now but I didn't let that deter me and surprisingly, it is not bothering me at the moment. However, it hurts mostly after I go to bed.

There is still some beauty to behold in the late November garden.

This is the last Japanese maple to have most of its leaves. I planted two of these right off our deck shortly after we moved in. These were labeled as "seedling" maples. I guess you don't have to have a fancy name for beauty.

Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Miss'

Hydrangea quercifolia 'Ruby Slippers'

Mugo Pine 'Aurea' (Pinus mugo)

Ceanothus 'Berryhill' and Parahebe perfoliata

Ironwood (Parrotia)

New Zealand Flax (Phormium)

The retaining wall along the driveway is a work in progress. I keep playing around and changing things. I'm finally getting good trailing plants. On the far left is a mandevilla and I'm surprised that it is still alive. I have not been successful with trying to overwinter them so I'm going to leave it. I'm also giving up, after two previous tries, of growing mandevilla up the mailbox. It blooms nicely but fails to gain much height. I don't think it is hot enough here for it to flourish. I would love to try bougainvillea but I suspect it would not do much here either.


Spirea 'Ogon'

And finally, this thing! This is one of those "spikes" that are sold at our nursery to go in mixed containers. It has overwintered for three years now and it is at least 5 ft. tall. I don't like it in this location so I don't know what to do with it.

 Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. I can't imagine spreading a truckload of manure, beautiful or not. I love the Japanese maple and so wish I had more of them.

  2. There’s nothing better for the garden. Now that my horses are retired that’s the most useful thing they do, other than being beautiful pasture ornaments.

    The Japanese maple is glorious.

  3. I see the steam coming off your load of manure, a hot commodity. I would love to have a load of that myself. Here is a song to entertain ...

    1. Now you will think about this song every time someone, including you, is slinging manure in their garden. ;)


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