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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

A bloom worth waiting for?

This is hydrangea 'Ayesha' which finally decided to bloom for me. I've only been waiting about 4 years! I've always wanted this hydrangea because it looks so unique and different from other mophead hydrangeas. The clusters of flowers are densely packed with sepals that are spoon-shaped. It is also described as being fragrant, but I haven't detected a strong scent. I first had this hydrangea planted in the secret garden area and decided to move it because it would not bloom. I transplanted it last year, again with no blooms but this year she seems to be coming out of her shy spell. Not prolific yet, this is only the second bloom but isn't it gorgeous?


  1. You're a very patient man. Four years a long wait for a flower. I hope you've done other things in the meantime.

  2. LOL, it's not that bad when you have around 60 other hydrangeas that are blooming!

  3. So I haven't worked through all of your posts yet (my, I'm starting this late . . .)--where's your secret garden? Is it mostly shade? The hydrangea is beautiful, by the way--well worth waiting for. I've been nursing one I rescued from a landscaper at a friend's house for about three years, and it finally bloomed this summer. Not as exotic as yours, but I'm glad to see it come back!

  4. I glad you didn't pull it up. It is one of my favorites and bloomed for me at a young age, and is now quited florific and very blue.

  5. That one is really different. Definitely worth the wait. It's hard know whether moving something will help it bloom or kill it. I'm glad this turned out well for you.

  6. Good things come to those who wait :), Phillip. Love your "popcorn hydrangea " which is a most unusual variety of Macrophylla.

    I see from the pink color that your soil is alkaline which Ayesha doesn't like and will not tolerate much of. Try adding some acidic soil amendments and when she turns blue you'll know she's got enough acid.

  7. Very pretty! Worth the wait I'd say!

  8. Hi Phillip, Ayesha is awesome and aren't you glad you moved her? I have moved every one of my hydrangeas to better soil and closer to the hose spigot. They all look better, although it was a set back in size. Best in the long haul though. I have seen mature Ayeshas in Charleston, they are so worth the wait.

  9. I believe she was worth waiting for. Those cupped sepals are cute.

  10. Very lovely and worth the wait.

    Always Growing

  11. Just Beautiful ,Phillip.AND you have 60 other hydrangeas! And a spectacular Southern garden. It is always a pleasure to to see a plant blooming when it is special and you have had to wait.
    Well, it was certainly worth it and thank you for telling us about it.

  12. Four years is a long time, but it was certainly worth the wait!

  13. In a few years we will have shade in the garden again and we will fill it with hydrangeas!

  14. Lovely phillip but then I think all your Hydrangeas are! Some plants are worth the effort to get such pretty blooms!


  15. A lovely bloom and some great foliage also! I hope she sends out some more blooms for you to enjoy!

  16. Hydrangeas are one of my all time favorites. This is a beautiful one. Thanks for sharing!

  17. It is very beautiful. I hope it starts to bloom profusely for you in the coming months.~~Dee

  18. I would feel like celebrating! I bet you did, too.

  19. She is well worth the wait. My Ayesha had 15 blooms the first year. While sulking at her pot size she is bravely putting out blooms. Maybe this fall she can be promoted to a bigger spot. I always recommend her to friends and customers. An amazing plant, with those bubble gum pink flowers.

  20. Hi Phillip, I've never seen the gorgeous hydrangea before. I have only three different hydrangeas in my garden ( I planted them this year), and I love Nikko most. Is your gorgeous hydrangea from Japan?

  21. That is a beauty! Even prettier than the Lace Caps!

  22. You've given me hope. I have a load of plants which I've had for three or four years which have never bloomed - a philadelphus, a lily, a calla, some irises ... maybe I'll just hang on a bit longer.

  23. Very pretty indeed!! How many acers is your garden? If you have 60 other hydrangeas and all the other plants you post about I would have to say about 10?!? Oh and yes you are a patient person!


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