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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Book review and giveaway - Sustainable Landscaping

{{{ The Random Number Generator chose "10" which means the winner is Catherine at A Gardener In Progress. Thanks to everyone who entered!}}}

"Sustainable" is a popular term in gardening circles these days. What exactly does it mean? More or less, it refers to the creation and maintenance of a landscape that is in balance with the local climate and doesn't use resources like fertilizers and pesticides and most importantly, conserves water.

As much as I hate the title, the "For Dummies" series of books (on every topic imaginable) provides excellent information in a user-friendly format. Owen Dell is an award-winning, internationally admired landscape architect, author and educator. He is the principal of Owen Dell & Associates in Santa Barbara, which specializes in sustainable landscape architectural services. In this book, he provides a wealth of information on the topic including:

* How to plan a sustainable landscape and what factors to consider
* Water conservation - the various types of systems available to the home gardener and the nuts and bolts of water harvesting, irrigation and drainage
* Hardscaping - planning, utilizing and maintenance
* Plant choices - beneficial trees, shrubs and smaller plants to consider for your landscape
* Lawns - minimizing the impact of the lawn and reducing its size
* Garden care - pruning, fertilizing and controlling pests the sustainable way
* 10 Projects that pay you and the environment back
* 10 non sustainable landscaping mistakes and how to avoid them

The book is full of helpful tips, illustrations, garden plans and maps to help you master the art of a sustainable landscape!

Win A Copy

To enter, reply to this post (include your e-mail address). I will use a random number generator to select one winner Friday, March 11 at 8pm CST.

{{{This book was sent to me for review by the author. I did not pay for the book or receive compensation for my review}}}

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. It was very nice of your to review the book...never cared much for the "For Dummies" part of these books either. rusdar at hotmail dot com

  2. Sign me up.

    toepferblue at gmail

  3. Sounds like a great book for every gardener.

  4. The book sounds like it has some chapters that would be very interesting. Now I am just the opposite, if it says for "Dummies" I usually think maybe I can make some sense of the topic. LOL!

  5. Your great book review has me wanting a copy! I confess I entered the computer world by way of the Dummies books!

  6. I feel my middle name is dummy some times.

  7. Sounds like a great book.

    PS I love your website!

  8. I don't like the "dummies" titles as well, but at that title lets you know what you can expect from the series.

    les (morehiways at cox dot net)

  9. I guess I've been dabbling in "sustainable" landscaping and didn't even know it! LOL sign me up>

  10. Sounds like a good book.

  11. Oh, i SO want this book. I thought I'd read just about everything on Sustainable gardening, guess not! gammon7(at)

  12. Sign me up Phillip~I want to learn more about sustainability and a 'dummie' book will be perfect for me!

  13. I needed therapy this evening after digging up a 150 year old poison ivy attached to a White Oak, in the rain and wind, so I thought about your web site to encourage me. A free book about landscaping would make me very happy, and you know I need help! Be sure to let me know when your garden is peaking this Spring so I can stand amazed. You are truly gifted.

  14. I would love to win this book! kcmichellew at gmail dot com

  15. I love certain Dummies books myself. Good find!

  16. I'm on the road to getting myself more self-sufficient Phillip and this book sounds like a great resource. Glad I got here in time!

  17. I am going through a Master Gardener program right now and this book would probably be a helpful resource.

  18. Enjoy your blog, great information. Please sign me up for the drawing. bigskye714 at yahoo dot com

  19. Too late for me but I enjoy your blog. May not comment but do read.


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