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The Garden Awakens

Anise 'Woodland Red' ( Illicium floridanum ) A few weeks ago, I thought spring would never arrive, but now the change is astonishing. The nights are still cold (40s and sometimes even 30s) so planting tender annuals and vegetables is unwise although I have already succumbed, but covering and uncovering things gets old quickly. Someone made a wise comment last week and I must agree with them - "Don't plant anything tender until after May 1". Several plants are blooming like never before. One is the Anise shrub (above and below). I don't know if the recent tree pruning, which is allowing more sun into the woodland path, is affecting it or perhaps it is just age, but I've never seen so many blooms. Michael refers to this as "the stinky fish shrub" and I have to admit to smell of the flowers is quite unpleasant. It is so beautiful that I can overlook that. The old pink dogwood tree, which was already here, shades our woodland path and it too is prett

"Adagio" ornamental grass

Miscanthus sinensis "Adagio"

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Lovely capture, Phillip! I bought this one last year. Does it self sow?


  2. This is one big grass. Lovely with the back lighting.

  3. Planted this a couple of years ago, and it is a complete star in my garden! Thanks for an awesome photo!

  4. I do love that grass, Phillip; actually there are few ornamental grasses that I don't like. Wonderful photo!

  5. Beautiful Adagio and light Phillip. Great photograph!

  6. I Love this grass. It is wild and free and makes me happy to look at it.

    Beautiful photo, Phillip.

    gerri XXX

  7. Looks so lovely. Please tell me it doesn't self-sow and I'll try it. My husband has practically banned grasses here after love grass seedlings took over the gravel driveway.

  8. I have not seen this grass self-sow.

  9. A tall grass. I think I have seen a grass like that in our farm. Nice shot.

    Lisa from Country Guitar Lessons

  10. Came back to see your answer. I'd love to add more grasses to my garden because they are definitely drought and deer resistant.

  11. I've been growing it for several years and have never seen it self sow. I almost wish it did; it's not easy to find here.

  12. I love miscanthus. I actually think they're quite addictive. Very graceful late summer stars.

    Do you know m. sinensis 'malepartus'? I saw a mature one growing at a nursery some time ago and was really taken with it.

    Adagio is a beauty and that's a nice shot Phillip.

  13. That's a gorgeous shot! I've been looking for adagio locally with no luck. Finally decided to put it in my basket at Bluestone for a fall order.

    Btw, I thought you had stopped blogging. For some reason my bookmark for your blog kept showing your December post ... Christmas aftermath, in which I fall in love with a Kindle. Today I clicked on your website button and then your blog button and voila!


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