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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

March Bloom Day

I have not participated in Gardener's Bloom Day since I don't know when. Usually when I think of it, it is too late but I'm actually on the ball this time. As most of the country seems to be fast-forwarding toward summer, thoughts of 2007 keep creeping into my mind. That was the year we had an early spring and a devastating late freeze. I'm hoping the same fate is not lurking around the corner this year.

I actually feel like I was cheated out of a winter this year! I do enjoy winter - it gives me a chance to unwind and do things inside (like baking, catching up on movies, etc.) that I otherwise feel guilty doing when it is nice outside. Michael tells me I need to get over this but I just can't help it. I can't stand being inside when I could be accomplishing outside.

The bright side of this early spring is that I'm getting much accomplished so maybe I won't be overwhelmed later.

Gardener's Bloom Day is the 15th of each month and garden bloggers across the nation post photos of what is blooming in their gardens. To get in on the action, visit the May Dreams Gardens blog.

Carolina Jessamine announces that spring is here even if the calendar doesn't agree. Note the increasing dilapidating fence. My goal this year was to replace it but I proscrastinate (plus have you priced fencing lately?)
There are many camellias blooming at the moment but I think "Taylor's Perfection" is the prettiest.
Another camellia (unidentified) with Alabama Snow Wreath (Neviusia alabamensis) in the background
Azalea "Coral Bells"
Hellebores and Camellia "Sawada's Dream"
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Helleborus foetidus  (Bear Claw Hellebore)
Jacob's Ladder "Stairway to Heaven" (polemonium reptans)

Pansies and Candytuft

Vinca major

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. I'm so jealous of your hellebores. Our puppy dug ours up.

  2. Very pretty!
    I especially like the last photograph.
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!
    Lea's Menagerie

  3. Gorgeous photos! I love the Taylor's Perfection and Azalea 'Coral Bells.' I never seen an Azalea like that before. Happy Gardening and Happy Bloom Day!

  4. Your garden photos are exquisite today Philip. I too am concerned about a late freeze... we were close to 80 degrees today... absolutely unreal and we are fast approaching the point of no return as the overnight temperatures are well above the normal highs for the day. Larry

  5. aloha,

    beautiful garden show, spring is gorgeous and your garden photos are beautiful :)

  6. Spring is lovely in your garden! The Jacob's ladder shot is just exquisite and I like the use of fencing - charmingly patinated - and statuary. Happy GBBD

  7. Such a pretty garden. The hellebores are exquisite, and I love the carolina jessamine along the fence.

  8. Spectacular! Especially the shot of the camellia and hellebores together (with statue!).

  9. Your garden and photos are outstanding! I especially like the delicate blue polemonium.

  10. Pansies and Candytuft -- spring requisite.

  11. Happy GBBD. I am with you about winter. Crazy weather and it better not freeze again. What worries me more is if our winter was so warm what will this summer be like?? Scary. Love that Carolina Jess.. I think it would have survived even our winter this year.

  12. Very beautiful! Our camellias are also stunning, but not much else is popping except daffs, lenten rose, forsythia. I should cultivate more early-blooming plants and shrubs. In the meantime, every day I peer into the pine needles searching for new spikes of hosta foliage and other perennials. Please please please no hard late freeze.

  13. Love all your Camellias! Lovely show. Happy GBBD :)

  14. My Taylor's Perfection is one stick and a dream, but here's hoping it turns into yours! (its tiny little self does have one monster bud on it, weighing it down like a charlie brown christmas tree)

  15. Your garden is lovely right now, and I do hope your fear of a late freeze stays just that and does not come true. Happy GBBD!

  16. Beautiful gardens Phillip. You should be proud...

  17. Your March bloom post was well worth the wait. Lovely.

  18. Phillip your spring garden is spectacular. The Jasmine is so lovely on the fence and I adore all of those hellebore's.Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Love the red camellia backed by the white. Your gardens are lovely! I drool over the garden vignette in your header photo!

  20. Your garden has a calendar all it's own! Looks beautiful.

  21. Taylor's Perfection is a real beauty. Love the shot of the Jacob's Ladder.

  22. Love, love, love the jacobs ladder picture!

  23. That Carolina Jessamine is a cheery soul, perfect for mid March. I wouldn't rush to update the fence, it all adds to the charm.

    Great photos, I second Freda Cameron's comment by the way,I NEED to sit on that bench.


  24. I am in love with your gorgeous pink camellia. Forgot the name already. Love the pansy's in the angel statue. Beautiful blooms. Hope you have a nice week. I know you have been enjoying this great weather we have had lately.

  25. Brilliant... your photography is pure class!! Thanks for sharing!
    landscapers Romford

  26. Beautiful. I need to get on the stick and post some of my blooms on my blog. It's just been crazy. One of my iris I planted at ECM was in bloom today. Mary

  27. What a lovely glad you made it! I always seem to be late as well...don't know how the 15th always manages to take me by surprise! Love the Jacobs charming!

  28. Your hellebores are so very healthy!

  29. You are a very talented photographer. LOVE these photos....beautiful place you have.

  30. Just lovely!! I'm so far behing Phillip! What a beautiful winter we had. I'll take it any year!


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