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A Visit to Cistus Nursery

I rarely go to nurseries anymore since I work part-time at one and another reason being that I don't have much room for additional plants. When a garden fanatic runs out of room, the brain goes into overdrive, dreaming up ingenious ways to incorporate more plants. And another thing happens - a burning desire to obtain rare and unique plants. I've been moving plants around, a tricky process that has a domino effect. A plant is unhappy - it is getting too much shade or perhaps too much sun. There is a plant that did not get as large as you thought it would or it is just a slow grower and now it is hopelessly hidden behind a taller plant. Sometimes a plant is just a dud for reasons unknown (Rhododendron 'Golden Gate' anyone?). I find the plant in question a better home, but it means that another plant will have to be moved. And the merry-go-round continues to turn... However, for those plants that are to be discarded, a space opens up for a new one! I decided to move a Mou...

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland

`Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

The Tom McCall Waterfront Park (named for a former Oregon governor), stretches along the western side of the Willamette River. At the southern tip is a harbor, restaurants (we ate at a good seafood restaurant here) and an amazing garden filled with ornamental grasses and other plants. This is where these photographs were taken.

If you head north, you approach a walking area (you can see it in the bottom photograph, next to the seafood restaurant), that extends all the way up to Naito Parkway and the downtown area where our condo was located. This area is popular with joggers, bikers, people walking their pets, etc. The space was once a freeway. It was torn down in 1975 and this park was created. It opened to the public in 1978.

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon

Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland, Oregon
Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. You did get around to some beautiful places while you were out there.

  2. This is one of my favorite urban areas, I'm surprised how many locals never bother to explore it. Glad you did!

  3. I love the brilliantly colored trees along the water's edge.


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