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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Are we really in the Pacific Northwest?

It would be hard to guess from the weather we have had this week. Blinding sunshine with nary a cloud in the sky and temperatures in the 60s. Whether it is a result of El Nino or climate change, it is pleasant and a bit disconcerting at the same time. Typically, we should be much colder (40s or 50s) and cloudier. 

I have been taking advantage of the nice weather and enjoying every minute of it.

My truck arrived from Alabama a few days ago and I have been putting it to good use.

I found a woman on Craigslist who made me these raised vegetable beds. Tomorrow I am planning to start some seeds of radishes, carrots, lettuce and other cool weather vegetables.

I have been transplanting a few plants that were already here. I think this is a barberry. It was growing in the shady area near the back of the yard so I moved it to the front fence in the sunshine.

The previous owner left some of the tags on the plants so I was very appreciative of that. This is an azalea. The tag says "Exbury Red".

I have bought a few new plants too. This is Mugo Pine "Aurea"

One of my later projects will be what to do with this hillside. Right now I have no idea.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Oh My Phillip, you been busy! I'm so glad the weather is cooperating for your desire to get started. Because I'm a Pisces I would love to see a small goldfish pond and waterfall down that slope, but that's just me!! Just think of the birds it will bring! If it is not doable because of other critters it might bring, a pondless waterfall would be a nice focal point. ;-)

    1. I had thought of that Eve! We have lots of birds and the neighbors say there are raccoons. Maybe a dry feature would be best.

  2. Good work! Take it slowly with the slope and enjoy seeing how the sun changes throughout spring and summer. That Mugo is a nice one!

  3. Love those raised bed. Is the back garden designated as an edible garden? Peas and beans are extremely easy to grow around here; even I had success with those (not much with other edibles). I say, take your time with the slope; there are so many possibilities it's fun to contemplate, see neighborhood gardens, parks, be inspired. I can envision a very winding path and many evergreen, but I digress.
    Please Google "rain gardens in Seattle". It's not the same as a rain barrel; I wouldn't want one at the front garden either :-)

  4. Looks awesome, Phillip!

    Quick question -- How do you plan to keep the grass down among the raised beds? Will you be using a string trimmer?

  5. You could always savor the idea of a large blank slate for a while, then plant it.

  6. I think you will transform that hillside into something beautiful.

  7. How exciting!!!! You got your stuff. I see now that you do have raised beds. I asked about that on your seed post. I am catching up after being out of town without a computer. Your raised beds are nice. Will they all be vegetables? Will you have herbs in one or some? Fun times ahead. I would be lost without my truck. It looks like you have a load of work there. I know it is fun work though. That hillside is sort of scary to me. I can't wait to see how you tame it.

  8. Hmmm, hillsides often beg to be terraced. I'll be curious what you decide. My hubby built similar raised beds for our veggies late last fall. I only hope we get to use them, since the job may send us out away from here. I hope not!


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