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Threshold to Fall

Hibiscus 'Midnight Marvel' Last night our weatherman said that from here on out, we would have fall weather. Summer left with a bang with an almost 100 degree day at the end of the August. The heat fluctuations are a nuisance, and I miss the days of consistent temperatures. There doesn't seem to be a happy medium anymore, it is either at one extreme or another.  The older I get, the more sensitive I get to cold temperatures. This creates major conflict in our household with Michael being hot all the time. I swear he freezes me to death. So I celebrate the end of the noisy air conditioner kicking on right as I sit down on the deck for quiet reading and the constant drone of fans inside the house.  I'm hoping for a mild autumn where temperatures hover around the low 70s. Is that too much to ask? I love the fall season - the colors, the brisk clean feeling in the air and the way the sun starts casting odd shadows.  Canna 'Panache' Hydrangea 'Lemon Wave' Als

Wednesday Vignette

The amaryllis finally blooms, after the holiday of course. I have never gotten them to bloom in time for Christmas. This one seemed to be especially slow but they are always worth the wait.
Wednesday Vignette is hosted by Anna at Flutter and Hum.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. This is a good photo. It is almost 3D. I feel like I could touch it. I agree that these blooms are worth waiting for. I know a lady that kept them for her garden. She had a space full of them blooming in summer. Also a pretty sight.

  2. Beautiful bloom!

    How are you (and your garden) faring in the below normal temps?

    Happy New Year!

  3. What a gorgeous closeup of an Amaryllis, the color is so rich. Some year I'm going to try growing them.

  4. Beautiful! Maybe next year I will get one.

  5. A beautiful flower, indeed. I usually let the bulbs recoup in the garden over the summer, and they quickly adjust to their non-forced state. They seem to want to bloom in April or so, naturally. Anyway, they are so lovely, I'll take them whenever they are ready. :)

  6. Gorgeous! Will you be able to plant this outside? I was surprised when I found I could plant potted amaryllis in my Alabama garden after they bloomed, and they would come up and bloom the next year! Just catching up with your previous post, and your garden is looking good.I love your choice of the Katsura tree! Best wishes for 2017!

  7. Oh that's gorgeous. I just bought one of that color for the garden (50% off!). Here outdoors they bloom in April.

  8. Just lovely! Mine has been extra slow too, but now I can see the petals, so it won't be too long now. I think I bought Apple Blossom this time.


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