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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Garden Blogger's Bloom Day for September 2019

Clematis tangutica 'Bill Mackenzie'

The change in weather has already started here in the Pacific Northwest. We received about an inch of rain last week and today and the next few days promises to be very wet. Today's high will only be in the mid 60's! This will really spoil me as I have an upcoming trip to Alabama where temperatures are still in the upper 90s. I sure hope that ends before I get there.

There are lots of blooms in the garden so where to begin? I will start with the containers on the front porch. I changed the plan a bit this year and instead of just planting one Dragon Wing begonia, I added a coleus and it seems very happy if a bit unruly. 

The back deck is filled with potted fuchsias. They look good although I think they would be better with more sun. Next year, Michael says he is going to try and create a cover that we can open and close to allow more light in. Some fuchsias just produce more blooms than others, even in limited light. 'June Bride' is one of those --

Fuchsia 'June Bride'

A new fuchsia, this one planted in the ground, is 'Surprise' -

Fuchsia 'Surprise'

'Cardinal' is another hardy fuchsia - it is 5 feet tall this year -

Fuchsia 'Cardinal'

Crape Myrtle 'Dynamite' is just beginning to bloom

but 'Catawba' has been blooming for the last month.

You know fall will soon be here when the goldenrod starts to bloom -

Solidago 'Fireworks'

as well as the asters...

Aster 'Kickin' Purple' 

Caryopteris 'Dark Knight' (Bluebeard) - so worth the wait. 

Sedum 'Autumn Joy' has to be one of the most dependable plants on earth.

Some hot summer blooms continue to amaze -

Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia 'Charles Grimaldi') and Lantana "Miss Huff'

Salvia 'Hot Lips' and Sedum 'Cherry Truffle'

Some flowers have taken breaks and are now blooming again -

Erigeron (Fleabane)

Kniphofia 'Orange Crush'

Coreopsis 'Leading Lady Sophia'

Rosemary 'Irene'

The ornamental grasses are starting to look good -

Pennesetum 'Redhead' - I'm told this one will reseed all over the place. I hope not.

Some climbers -

Black-eyed Susan vine (Thunbergia alata)

Clematis 'Rooguchi'

Climbing Monkshood (Aconitum hemslevanum)  

And the regular Monkshood (Aconitum 'Tall Blue')

I forgot the name of this hydrangea but I believe it is 'Bloomstruck'. It has the darkest russet color that seems to last forever.

I almost hesitate to include a buddleia photo as some people around here get up in arms about them. I have a few sterile cultivars and have not had any problems with them. This one is 'Flutterby Petite Blue Heaven'.

Echinacea 'White Swan', newly planted, still just a pup.

Rose 'Chinatown'

'Mary Rose'

And one tree bloom - this is Gordlinia x grandiflora (aka Mountain Gordlinia). My boss brought my attention to this. I had never heard of it before. It is a cross between the Franklin tree (Franklinia alatamaha) and the loblolly bay (Gordonia lasianthus).

Gordlinia x grandiflora

And last, but certainly not least, is the autumn crocus. These were already planted here when we moved in and I love them. They were, however, in awful locations, so I relocated them earlier in the spring. I was excited to see them emerging -

Gardener's Bloom Day is hosted by May Dreams Gardens. Follow the link to get link to find see other garden bloggers across the country. 

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Yes, signs of fall are abound. Although I have Autumn Joy and Aster blooming everywhere, it's the emerging summer crocus that really brings it home for me. I wandered if you protect Angel's Trumpet indoors for winter? How about the stunning Black-eyed Susan vine?

    1. I am planning on putting the Angel's Trumpet in the garage to overwinter it. I just treat the black-eyed Susan vine as an annual.

  2. That smaller begonia in pic 1 with the chocolate foliage and the orange blooms really caught my eye-do you know it's name ? I love all the fuchsia blooms you shared -I cut most of mine back a bit last month because they were looking scraggly (did not cut back hard enough in spring this year) and I think I will get a couple more months out of them. I envy you your touch of rain-we have of slight chance of seeing some this week which is early for us here in Norcal.

    1. The name escapes me at the moment but I will think of it and get back to you.

  3. Please, please, please bring rain and cooler temps with you to Alabama. Your flowers are all amazing but the autumn crocus touched my heart. I had never seen them until I moved to Portland and found them coming up in my grandmother's yard. Miss them.

    1. I wonder if you can grow them there? I don't remember seeing any.

  4. Such a wonderful assortment of blooms you have. It's impossible to pick a favorite. I do envy you your Northwestern climate. This must be a wonderful time of the year there. We'll still have summer until sometime in October.

  5. Happy GBBD! Your late summer garden is absolutely fabulous, Phillip. I adore fuchsias and, although they did moderately well in my former garden 15 miles away, the few I have in pots in my shade house are truly pitiful by comparison to yours. My Erigeron is looking sad after our long dry stretch too but I hope they'll spring back as yours have once cooler temperatures return. I recently planted Clematis 'Rooguchi' and my fingers are crossed that it survives and thrives.

  6. Your garden is looking gorgeous, Phillip! The fuchsias, roses...(Chinatown is so pretty!)...and I'd never heard of that tree, either. Very interesting, will have to do a bit of research on that beauty. Just lovely!

  7. Spectacular blooms...some of the blooms that are not possible in my hot and dry climate...liked the arrangement of begonias and coleus .Fuchsia can only be grown as an annual in our hot environment ...never seen that variety of salvia...Torch lily or kniphofia is rare beautiful lily .We cant think of growing clematis 'Rooguchi' they dont survive our hot summer days..Happy bloggers blooms day..

  8. So many pretty blooms. The Chinatown Rose is so yummy.
    Do you ever run by your previous garden in Alabama to see what they did to it?

  9. Your garden blooms are beautiful Philip! The colors on the Crape Myrtles, Caryopteris and Asters are magnificent and I love how you have combined warm and cool colors for maximum impact. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a note that you were there. Now I can bookmark your wonderful blog as one of my places to visit!!


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