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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


I feel like the new season really begins the day I uncover the water features, uncover the garden statuary and the patio furniture. 

I didn't get all that done today but I got the water feature going which took me several hours because I'm plugging it up through the garage this year. I run the extension cord through a PVC pipe underground so I had to reposition that and dig a shallow trench. I worked all afternoon on it after working this morning in someone else's garden. It was beautiful and sunny today after previous days of cold and wet.

I noticed today that plants are budding out. 

The grass in the front looks great -


In the back, not so much -


More pruning to commence after the bins are emptied on Thursday -


This morning on my Facebook memories, Camellia 'Bella Rossa' popped up as blooming one year ago today. I checked it and it has 3 blooms. More to come I'm sure as last year it was covered with blooms -


Camellia "Mathotiana' -


Spirea 'Ogon' - always the first shrub to bloom -


Euphorbia wulfenii -

Euonymous albomarginatus -

Arctostaphylos 'Sunset' (Manzanita) -

Awaiting an empty bin (two bins is not enough!) -

Check out this gorgeous rhododendron! This is from Rueben Hatch's garden. It is Rhododendron lanigerum -

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


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