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The Plants Bees Love

In this day and time, I would hope gardeners understand the importance of bees and other insects in the garden. However, from time to time, a person comes into the nursery and asks for plants that will NOT attract bees (sigh). They are not really gardeners though, they are just looking for a plant to fill a space. I find myself more and more intrigued by bees although I don't know that much about the different types. I do make note of plants that they like and try to add as many as I can to the garden. Over the past weeks, with watering a daily activity amidst a lingering heat-wave, I've conducted an informal survey and noted the plants that they seem to like the most. Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) is one of my favorite perennials and the bees love it too. I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly on it but we don't seem to have many of those. Everybody wants the "Showy Milkweed" (Asclepias speciosa) but I knew

In the Yard n' Garden Land Greenhouse

My season at Yard n' Garden Land has not started yet but I did work yesterday to help out in anticipation of a busy day. Nice weather was predicted and there were a lot of customers who were attending a rose seminar. 

The greenhouse was beautiful (Kellie does such a great job with displays) and seeing all the colors and blooms gives a great energy boost this time of year.

One entire side of the greenhouse is roses although they will be moved outside in a few weeks. This photo was taken before the rose seminar was over and lots were sold following that -

There are many new pots and I'm told that more are on the way. Hopefully, more bird baths and water features too -

So many camellias! This is 'Yume' and I wish I had a spot for this one. It is gorgeous! -

And many hellebores as well -

And, if there was room, I would plant a paperbush (Edgeworthia) - 

And stepping outside to the trees and shrubs, the area where I work -

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Beautiful nursery. I'd have trouble working there--I'd be one of their best customers!

  2. You are so fortunate to work a nursery, especially one as nice as this. Had this been my career I'd have a hard time retiring.
    Maybe now that your garden is 'full', you'd get to keep some of your paycheck :-D

  3. That nursery has more jewels waiting for new homes than my local SoCal garden center but then the latter doesn't have a greenhouse (and the cold temperatures are back).

  4. What a beautiful nursery, everything looks wonderful! I can only imagine the daily temptation to bring plants home.

  5. It is so exciting to see all of the color! It appears that they will have a successful season.


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