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Winter Greenery

Autumn Fern, Wheel Tree ( Trochodendron araliodes ), Aucuba 'Rozannie' and Rhododendron 'Percy Wiseman' On Monday, the sun came out in a major way. Maybe it was the fact that it had been gray for so long, but it seemed extra bright. I had a few errands to run and everywhere I went, people were making comments about being blinded.  The forecast is for the entire week to be dry and sunny. However, I was surprised to see that the clouds had returned on Tuesday and it was fairly chilly as well. But today the sun was back and it was nice working in the garden.  I started work on revamping the terrace rocks which turned out to be more work than I had anticipated. No wonder the terrace walls had vanished - the majority of the rocks were now buried by years of accumulating leaves and soil additions. So, I am now in the process of removing the buried rocks and raising them. I start taking photos of our evergreen plants which keep my going during the winter months.  Fatshedera ...

Lan Su Chinese Garden

Portland Japanese Garden

Ten days in Portland

Wildflowers blooming in the woods

Chinese Indigo, a truly carefree plant

Wordless Wednesday

Peonies and such