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Swapping Huckleberries

Himalayan Honeysuckle ( Vaccinium glauco album)  Himalayan Honeysuckle ( Vaccinium glauco album) has been an attractive feature along our north-facing foundation since I planted it in 2016. You will have to take my word for it since I cannot locate a photo although I know one exists somewhere in the realm of the Internet or floating on a cloud somewhere.  I did locate a photo of how it looked when it was first planted - It took a few years to fill out but it did so nicely to an attractive mound about 2 feet high by 3 feet wide.  Last year, it started to look bad.  I cut it back but it had not improved and this is how it looked a few weeks ago - I decided to rip it out and plant another huckleberry - this time Vaccinium ovatum , more commonly known as the "Evergreen Huckleberry".  This is a plant that I've wanted for ages and kept putting off getting one because I could not find a good place for it. By most accounts, this is an amazing plant, a native one and excellent for

Mid-November blooms

I'm a little late for Gardener's Bloom Day!

The sasanqua camellias are blooming -

'Hana Jiman'

'Snow Flurry'


Mexican Sage (Salvia leucantha)

The colorful foliage of Sweet Shrub (Calycanthus floridus)

Hyacinth Bean


Red Maple


The brilliant crimson leaves of a pear tree hover over a group of hydrangeas

This is Scudder, a new addition to the family. He appeared as a stray and has been around for the past several weeks. He was on top of the garden wall today.

And here is the real Queen of the Roost - Isabella. She is fifteen years old and she's not too keen on Scudder.


  1. Well it was worth the wait, Phillip. Camellias and fall foliage all in one post, very nice. Hope the kitties get used to one another!

  2. Late is just fine when you bring us camellias like those! Thanks for joining in with bloom day,

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  3. Nice post! I take it you aren't in the "drought zone"?

  4. Lisa, we have had a terrible drought this year! We did get a good rain a few weeks ago. The last I heard, we are about 17 inches under average.

  5. Oh, Phillip - I should be happy just to have my two camellias live at all in my alkaline soil, but I would so love a delicate looking flower like that 'Hana Jiman'. Any camellias I've seen around Austin are the rosier tones.

    You have a post filled with lovely blooms, and your photographs are perfect - yes, definitely worth the wait!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

    PS You and Isabella have such royal names - why'd the new guy get stuck with 'Scudder'? Are you a Heinlein fan?

  6. Annie, I'm not familiar with Heinlein's Scudder. I got the name from "Maurice" by E.M. Forster (and the movie is a favorite of mine). The character of Scudder is a gardener. I've always to name a cat that.

  7. Ah, Phillip - that makes much more sense! Heinlein's character of that name was not a nice guy.


  8. Terrific photos, Phillip; the hyacinth bean, in particular, is so dramatic. And how interesting to see the clear yellow leaf color on the lespedeza. I didn't realize the plant did that. Thanks for sharing your garden!


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