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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

A rainy day stroll through the garden

A nice slow rain today so I took some photos. The roses are just beginning to bloom and will be peaking in a few weeks. I'm having an "Open Garden" the week of May 5-11 so I'm hoping I've timed it right.

The white rose on the arch is 'Lamarque' and the pink ones underneath are 'Carefree Wonder'

The old popular climber 'Blaze' - this rose suffered for years because I had it in a location with too much shade. I moved it last year to a sunnier spot and look what happened.

'Knock Out' which is all the rage now. It rightly lives up to its disease-free and easy maintenance reputation. I'm wanting the new 'Double Knockout' which are so pretty. Perhaps I can replace the butchered boxwood hedge with it?

'Nearly Wild' around the fountain

This rose is called 'Scentimental'

'Westerland' can be grown as a climber or a shrub. I grow it as a shrub.

This rose is called 'Erfurt' and is always beautiful when it first blooms. It needs more room than what I can provide.

'Fantin Latour' - named after the flower painting artist.

One of my favorite roses - 'Buff Beauty'

My favorite color combination in the garden is pink and purple. Here is the rose 'Russell's Cottage Rose' growing with Siberian iris.

The hybrid musk rose 'Wind Chimes' growing next to Efebe the Hunter.

A closer look at 'Wind Chimes'

The azaleas are on their way out -

One of my favorite shrubs is Beauty Bush (Kolkwitzia amabilis)

Chinese Ground Orchid (Bletilla striata)

Siberian Iris with Clematis 'Nelly Moser' in background

Clematis 'Josephine'

Mock Orange


  1. Phillip your garden is stunning, it truly is. I wished we lived closer together, we could learn so much from you guys instead of stumbling thru things like we do. I hope your plant sale went well. Jamie and I were talking about it Friday evening and came extremely close, very close to driving up and introducing ourselves. We figured it would be about six hours of driving for us and with everything we absolutely had to get done this weekend, we just couldn’t fit it into our to-do list. It just wasn’t possible, no matter how we how we tried to schedule the time. We both agreed it would have been nice to meet you. Maybe we can catch one of the next sales.

  2. Oh my!! What a beautiful garden. Those roses are so beautiful, I posted some of my roses on my blog but they aren't nearly as beautiful as yours.


  3. Phillip, your garden is like images from "The Secret Garden," just overflowing with roses and flowering shrubs like the lovely beautybush. I wish I could be there for your garden tour.

  4. Ahhh, beautiful. Thanks for the tour.

  5. Phillip:

    Your roses are AMAZING. You've inspired me to plant a dozen this winter, but it'll be a while before they look like this. I'm sure you were right to get rid of killer! You don't need it with this magnificent collection.

    I hope you don't mind, but I’ve tagged you on my blog.

    Cheers, Karen

  6. the pictures are unfathomable. they are beautiful. you have a sylvan garden that is magnificient. and i see, spring has really progressed in Alabama, in New york, we are nto seeing as muc verdure. but seriously, you are a great photographer.

  7. Phillip,
    Your garden looks like it has been there forever. The statuary and the expansive flowering shrubs make this look like a great Southern garden. It is very romantic and filled with luxurient carefully selected specimins.It is a pleasure to look through your photos. I am looking forward to seeing the garden in your future posts.

  8. I wish I would have planted more roses, but when the Japanese Beetles show up, they devour the buds as fast as they form. Do you have a problem with them?

  9. Hi Phillip, A stroll through your garden would be a dream, thanks for taking us through there. People will love to see your roses, stonework and arches. Your eye for siting is fantastic. Buff Beauty is a fave of mine also. The roses are just beginning here, as are the iris. Wasn't that soft rain perfect to cheer the flowers and the gardener?

    Frances at Faire Garden

  10. Phillip your roses are absolutely stunning... Randy and I have a few roses, but not as many as we used to have in the yard. We can't quite the blackspot under control on some and it takes away from their beauty. What do you spray yours with? Do you have problems with blackspot? Drop a message to Randy if you get a chance... I'm just curious...

  11. You have a spectacular and lush garden, Phillip. The roses are all very lovely. With all the humidity you have, is blackspot and mildew ever a problem? We bought a bunch of the knock out roses on an after bloom sale last year so I hope they do as well as yours. I even bought a couple of knock out 'Rainbow' this spring because they looked better than the plain pink ones we bought on sale.

    Your photos are exquisite. I especially like the ones of 'Wind Chimes'. The rain makes the colors so vivid.

  12. Hi all, thanks for your comments. I've had so many questions about growing and caring for them that I think I'll just post something in a few days to answer all your questions.

  13. Your garden of roses and other beauties is a delight....I love the musk roses and their crinkly leaves and fragrance...I have to admire them from afar...they don't like my garden...a really beautiful garden Phillip. Gail

  14. Have you had any problems with hostas developing crown rot? Do you destroy the plant or use any type of treatment? Thanks! I love your garden! Thanks for the inspiration.

  15. How can one not be moved by a rose? They are all beautiful and I wish I were there to capture the fragrance. You will be at peak for your open house won't you?

  16. oh Philip! what a beautiful garden you have. I am for the first time here and I love it! Hope to keep in touch and visit again :)

  17. Wow Phillip the rose are spectactular. How big is your yard? Just viewing the pictures makes it seem like a couple of acers. You sure have done a wonderful job. Can't wait to see more pictures as the summer progresses.
    How was the plant sale?

  18. Yes...what they said. ;-) Your tour will be a raging success with a beautiful garden like that! I feel calmed just looking at your pictures, I can imagine how much better it is in person! The love you put into it shines out from every corner.

  19. Phillip,

    Apropos of your comment about stone in your garden at clay and limestone! I like the stonework in your garden, it doesn't look like too seems to fit. I think stone works with many garden styles...from modern, to zen, wild, natural and classic. Your garden is in my mind a Classic Southern Garden.


  20. Oh WOW.

    I officially have rose envy. Heck, I have yard envy. This is incredible!


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