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A Brief Reprieve From Rain

Heathers  ( Calluna vulgaris  'Firefly' and 'Multicolor') I believe it is a given that if you leave home for a lengthy period of time, the weather is going to be clear and mild while you are away. And as soon as you get back home, the cold and rainy weather will proceed.  This morning, after a week of rain, I woke up to sunshine. Michael informed me that it was going to be dry until later in the evening. I had planned to stay home today since we are expecting deliveries. Our old refrigerator that we were using in the garage bit the dust last week. It was valuable for storing frozen foods and miscellaneous items when there was not enough room in our main fridge. We ventured out to our local appliance store a few days ago and while there, we decided to get a new microwave as well since our current one is beginning to do strange things. Those are to be delivered today as well as a doll that Michael ordered from Japan and will require a signature.  The rain over the past...

Hydrangea "Angel's Lace"

Another new line of hydrangeas is the "Halo" series. They were originally bred in Japan in the early 90s by Hiroshi Ebihara and later marketed in Europe as the "Frau" series. Now they are available here in the U.S. with names like "Angel Eyes" and "Angel Smile". We have "Angel's Lace" and it is quickly becoming one of our favorites.

Described as the first picoteed lacecap in the world (that is when the flower color has one basic color with a margin of another color), it is bred to be compact with sturdier limbs and larger flowers. It is marketed as being suitable for containers. It can grow to be 4 to 5 feet so it is certainly fine in the ground, as ours is. It is very hardy (to zone 6). So far, this has been a spectacular addition to the garden and one that I would highly recommend.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. That bloom is unusual with the white edge around the bloom.

  2. does it have any fall color in the leaves?

  3. The white edge is awesome, and really makes the bloom pop

  4. It's beautiful. I adore hydrangeas and it's great to learn about these.

  5. Absolutely beautiful. What I wouldn't give to be able to grow lacecaps.

  6. Hot pink--love the 'halo' on the edges, too!

  7. Absolutely stunning! Can't wait to see it in person.

  8. I love picoteed flowers. That lacecap is so pretty!

  9. Hydrangeas are one of my favorite shrubs, mostly because of the gorgeous blooms. So it's nice to see a completely different look in a lacecap - that white edge sets off the bold pink beautifully. I bet it stands out in the garden like no other! Yet another plant I'll have to track down and add to the garden....

  10. Phillip I have heard of this series but never saw them. Stunning!! Keep those hydrangea shots coming.

  11. Beautiful! This is one i would like to add to my own garden. it is quite interesting.

  12. And what about powdery mildew on the foliage. Many of these have major problems with this leaf problem.

  13. Awesome! But of course........only zone 6. I'm barely a 5......

  14. Phillip, You are surely increasing the sale of hydrangeas everywhere! This one is stellar! gail

  15. Nice...I haven't seen that variety before.

  16. The comments say it all. Beautiful shrub.

  17. Absolutely beautiful!!! Love the white outlines around the petals.

  18. Okay Phillip, how long do we have to wait for more hydrangeas?

  19. Whoa! I never knew Hydrangeas come in so many colors! I learnt a lot about them from your posts on Hydrangeas. Thank you :)


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