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Neighbor Gardens: Palmer & Friedlander

The HPSO Vancouver Mini-Garden Tour continued this past weekend with four gardens located on the east side of Vancouver. Two gardens were located just across the street from each other in Hockinson. First up is the garden of Karen Palmer and John Emmett with gorgeous views of the surrounding mountains - Another beautiful clematis - this one is "Happy Jack" - happy indeed! Now this is unique garden statuary! Karen says this came from Tuscon, Arizona, a purchase motivated by their granddaughter. Another unique feature of Karen and John's garden is "Yucca Hill", a collection of yucca planted on a steep hillside.  This garden is five acres and there are many vegetable gardens and an orchard with one hundred heirloom apple trees as well as other fruit trees. It is all fenced in - Karen says they have deer, bears, cougars and other wildlife! Across the street is the garden of Lucie and Mike Friedlander. They moved into the house three years ago and inherited a mature

Two Rose talks next week

I don't know how I managed this but I have two presentations next week on the same topic. And I don't even do this sort of thing that often! Procrastinator that I am, I will be busy this weekend putting the finishing touches on my Powerpoint programs and I also realize we will be having nice gardening weather this weekend PLUS Sunday night is Oscar night. Anyway, I digress.

Monday night (Feb. 28th) I will be at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens talking to the Birmingham Rose Society about the evolution of our garden and the roses that we grow.

On Thursday, March 3 at 11:30 a.m., I will be at the Florence-Lauderdale Public Library for their gardening series "Get Dirty In The Library" (don't you love it?). My program will be on growing roses. The FLPB has a slew of good programs coming up. Click on the flyer below for more details (also check out their website).

I hope to see you there!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Dang...I wish I could attend, because I know very little about my roses on the property. I'm sure you could teach me everything about them....

  2. I wish I were there, I really do.... I would love to learn more about your roses. It is so generous of you to share your knowledge and experience with others.

  3. at least it's on the same topic... that should make it a bit easier.

  4. Phillip both links to the library aren't working. Northwest Shoals Community College has programs for advanced learning (those over 60). Since they couldn't get out during the snow, I was asked to show my snow pictures of Tuscumbia to them the end of March. I'm trying to decided if I needed to do it in powerpoint or just as a slide show in MS media. Any suggestions? My daffodils started blooming yesterday after the storm. Mary

  5. Mary, the links just worked for me. I am not familiar with MS Media. I like Powerpoint because it is easy to use and easy to add captions to photos. Aside from that, I'm sure any system would work. I would use what you are most comfortable with. Technical difficulties are not fun!

  6. Phillip, So glad to finally meet you at the Birmingham Rose Society Meeting! Thanks again for a wonderful talk on your roses! It's awesome to see how people integrate roses into their landscape. You guys have done an awesome job with that!


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