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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Brent and Becky's Bulbs order

Getting plants in the mail is so much fun! My order from Brent and Becky's Bulbs arrived yesterday. Here is what I ordered:

Begonia Boliviensis 'Bertini'
Canna 'Stuttgart'
Canna 'Robert Kent'
Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff'
Buddleia 'Evil Ways'
Zantedeschia 'Mango' (Calla Lily)

Now to figure out where everything is going!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Oh the fun of opening plant packages. Enjoy the decisions of where to plant!

  2. My kind of gardener. Just buy what catches your eye and THEN find a place for them. :) Have fun. Happy Easter.

  3. I've wanted to order from them for such a long time, but I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes buying bulbs. I overthink them!

  4. Spring planting is so much fun. I'm waiting for the Birmingham Botanical Gardens plant sale next weekend to buy most of my plants.

  5. I'm getting a package from Bluestone this week, can't wait. I buy most of my bulbs from B&B. I have the canna I could have given you a piece. Mary

  6. Yes, getting anything garden related is so much fun!


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