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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Getting tomatoes planted and buying new plants

A productive weekend. Our tomatoes and peppers are planted and I got about half of the containers planted. I found this plant at Lowe's. It is Jacob's Ladder "Touch of Class" (Polemonium reptans). I also bought Wallflower "Bowles Mauve" (Erysinum linifolium) for $1 on the sale rack at Home Depot. I have never grown wallflowers but I remember Elizabeth Lawrence praising them in one of her books.

Jacob's Ladder "Touch of Class" (Polemonium reptans)

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. I replanted my corn this weekend, cantalopes, cucs and watermelon. I have 3 tomatoes ready for the garden that I've been growing since Nov, but they didn't make it there. I have several small heirloom ones in the greenhouse. Finally started cleaning my flower beds last week. May have to hire some one to help before my open garden May 26. Tomorrow is another day. Mary

  2. I have tried that Jacobs ladder with no luck. I will be curious to see if yours does well. Maybe it needs your weather for it to thrive. Don't you just love those sale aisles?? You never know what you will find.

  3. I love your Jacob's ladder. I looked it up online to learn about it, as I have never grown one. It prefers "high quality natural habitats", I can't think of a better garden or gardener for it than you. Hope you enjoy it for years to come. Your blog is a joy to read and very interesting.

  4. We had frost a couple of nights this week - so we had to hold off planting tender things just yet. Never before tax day is the saying around here.

  5. You've been very productive. Hope it all grows well.

  6. My sister grows the perennial walflower 'Bowles mauve' and it's nigh on perfect. Flowers for ages and is easy to take cuttings from.


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