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Valentine's Day Snow

We woke up to around 4 inches of snow today. We already had a dusting from yesterday. If I am not mistaken, we've had at least one big snowfall every winter since we've lived here. They usually occur in January or February but sometimes as late as April. Here are the obligatory photos. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

July Garden Blogger's Bloom Day

And a stingy one at that. Our garden isn't very interesting from mid-late summer with very little color. I was just over at Nancy Ondra's great blog Hayefield and was amazed at what all she has blooming!  

We have been very fortunate this past week with some abundant rainfall (at least 4 inches so far). It rained again yesterday and is looking like today might give a repeat. I wish other parts of the country could get some of this. It has been a huge relief and I know how frustrating it is to go without rain for long periods.

The only blooms I could find in our garden were:

A lone Shasta Daisy
Lily "'Scheherazade"
A fading coneflower that I can't remember the name of - just planted this year.
Crape Myrtle "Tonto"
A morning glory that I've tried to eradicate from the garden but it just keeps
reappearing year after year
A faded hydrangea blossom
The only hydrangea with fresh blooms is "Big Daddy"
The paniculata hydrangeas are just beginning - this is "Tardiva"

Thank goodness for the containers. They were all looking like they were on their last leg until the rains came. They have doubled their growth in the past week and look all refreshed.
This butterfly was really enjoying the impatiens. I think this is the Swallowtail Butterfly
that uses our Dutchman's Pipe vine as a host.
Containers at the back door steps
I wasn't too successful in planning the Pan Statue planter this year. It looks like the Euphorbia "Diamond Frost" has vanished!
One of my favorite annuals for containers is purslane. It is forgiving and will survive a few days without water, unlike impatiens, which every year I vow to never plant again due to their insatiable thirst.
Be sure to check May Dreams Gardens for more garden bloggers sharing their blooms this month!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Hi Phillip,

    So very happy to hear that you received the much needed rain. Am sure this was a big relief to you and a huge help for your garden.

    Mid summer is lazy, but I am enjoying your beautiful photos posted here.

    Stay well and I send my warmest regards to you and yours!

    gerri XXXOOO

  2. My garden is the same: not a sight in mid to late summer. Its just too dry, sunny, humid and HOT. Now it is interesting that your diamond frost euphorbia didn't make it. This is a new 'find' this year for me, it is prospering with no care. I wonder why the difference?

  3. Congratulations on the rain Philip... right now I can't imagine what that would be like and for the first time that I can recall, our August may end up being extra slim on bloom with the exception of annuals.... everything is early this year, and if I didn't know better I'd swear I was in the south... triple digits tomorrow with extremely high humidity. I think I will treat the rest of this year as an opportunity to get the garden in order, with an earlier than normal clean-up and changing out of plants where necessary... Larry

  4. I am glad you have gotten some rain. We have been fortunate as well, and except for the week of the 4th have not had horrible weather. Happy GBBD to you!

  5. That purslane is my current favorite as well, though I don't have a lovely gate on which to display it!

  6. Not so bad for such a hot dry summer. Lucky you getting all that rain. I hope it makes it's way over here. We have had a pop up or two but not much accumulation. It is a shame impatients are so thirsty. They do so well in the shade one can forgive them. Happy GBBD.

  7. Lucky you to get so much rain finally. I've been debating which new lily to get this year and 'Scheherezade' was already on the short list. Your photo has moved it up to #1. Wow.

  8. Rain seems to be a big topic this year. We keep getting promises, but no real action. And still your garden is beautiful!

  9. aloha,

    beautiful garden tour, its my first visit to your garden, i'm enjoying the visit :)

  10. Happy Bloom Day Phillip! I think your garden looks great. I've noticed that if I forget to water the euphorbia Diamond Frost for even one day, it will disappear. However, if I remember, it does great. Glad you got rain. Wish we would.~~Dee

  11. This is the barest of flowering July's for me, and I am thankful I have containers, too. The rain was a gift! I hope we don't continue being 10+ degrees above normal. gail

  12. Even if they are sparse...your blooms are just lovely! I adore 'Scheherazade'...I'm going to plant some in my garden next spring, for sure :-) I think Morning Glories are one of those plants that, once you've had them, you will never be without them (whether you want to or not)!

  13. Love the 'Scheherazade' lily -- what a gorgeous color!
    For it being sparse I think you still have some nice color in your garden!


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