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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

June Garden Blogger's Bloom Day 2017

Ah, June in the Pacific Northwest! It is kind of like April in Alabama - it seems like everything starts to bloom overnight. Here, the rainy season begins to fade, sunnier skies begin to appear and the temperatures climb into the 70s. Of course, that is "on average". There is an occasional hot day (upper 80s one day last week) and some cold, gray days (earlier in the week, it barely got out of the 50s). But, overall is it sublime.

There is a lot going on in our garden and I am pretty amazed at what all we have accomplished in just one year. That is the garden gate in the photo above and Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba' has reached the top and it blooming nicely. On the opposite side, 'Princess Diana' has been moved to the back garden and 'Madame Julia Corevon' has taken her place. She is already scampering up near the top and some buds are appearing. And take a look at that Spanish Lavender - it loves it here. The red rose on the left is 'Dublin Bay' and the blooms are beautiful but it really needs some help with climbing assistance. I have yet to do that.

A close-up look at 'Jackmanii Superba' - I can see this from our front window and it brings me much happiness.
'Princess Diana' would probably have been fine if I had left it alone but I am an impatient gardener. It has handled the transplant well and is beginning to bloom in the back garden -

Clematis 'Princess Diana'

I am discovering a world of new plants that I have never grown before. One of them is Cistus, a shrub of various sizes that like dry conditions. Since the summers here are typically dry, they do well if situated in a well-drained area. Cistus 'Decanso' is planted on a terraced slope that I am working on and it seems to be very happy.

Cistus 'Decanso'

I have grown very fond of Salvia and Penstemon. They performed so nicely last year and the hummingbirds love them. 'Amistad' is a new variety that I am trying. I hear that it is not reliably hardy here but that the huge blooms are worth growing it for, if for just a season.

Salvia 'Amistad'
I don't think I have added any new Penstemons this year but 'Windwalker Garnet', a favorite from last year, has returned with flying colors.

Penstemon x mexicali 'Windwalker Garnet'

Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker or Torchlily) grows big and robust here. I have planted two and the first one to bloom (just starting earlier this week) is 'Shining Sceptre'.

Kniphofia 'Shining Sceptre'
I don't know why I haven't grown more Veronicas (Speedwell). We have several varieties at the nursery where I work and so far, I have only brought home one. This is Veronica 'Royal Candles'. I have this planted in the terraced bed and may have to move it to a more moist area later.

Veronica spicata 'Royal Candles'
More spikiness - this is Primrose Orchid (Primula vialii), a return from last year. Despite the fact that this plant prefers moist conditions, it appears happy at the moment. It grows next to the urn fountain in the Pan Garden and though it resides next to a water feature, the ground isn't that wet.

Primrose Orchid (Primula vialii) and Mexican Feather Grass (Nassella tenissima)
The hydrangeas are just beginning to bloom. We only have a few so far (nowhere near the 30+ we had in our former garden).

Hydrangea 'Endless Summer Bloomstruck'

Honeysuckle (Lonicera x americana)

Shasta Daisy 'Gold Rush'
Cornus kousa 'Wolf Eyes'. This was in our Alabama garden but in a very shady area. Here, we have it in full sun and it looks like an entirely different plant. Loads of blooms and a much more pronounced edge along the leaf tips.
We just finished the pots on the deck. We have quite a few of fuchsias - Michael has gone nuts over them. They were hard to grow in the South because of the humidity. I will do a post about them later. This is Chenille Plant (Acalypha hispida) that I brought home from work. I don't recall ever growing this.
Sweet Alyssum
You may be wondering - where are the roses? I think they deserve their own post. I will get to them later in the week!

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day is hosted by May Dreams Gardens. Check out what is blooming in other blogger's gardens around the world. 

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Oh, your Clematis! So gorgeous. I love your entrance way. The Dogwood is amazing. But...the road is wet...the sky is grey...are you still getting rain!?! Sigh. I'm jealous.

    Marvelous photo of the Primula with the Nassella. Happy Bloom Day!

    1. We got a good rain all day today but prior to that, there was a dry stretch. And after today, no rain in the forecast.

  2. Lots of beautiful blooms in your garden! It must be fascinating and maybe a bit frustrating to garden in a different climate but you're doing it beautifully!

  3. It's wonderful to see how you're embracing your new gardening home. It all looks fabulous!

  4. The clematis is so welcoming on the trellis. That dogwood is gorgeous. I don't think I have ever seen this one. And you are working in a nursery. What a way to fill the garden. Can't wait to see what follows you home. Happy GBBD.

  5. Love the front entrance! Your plants are just thriving! I would love to grow fuchsias too. I buy one every few years and it never survives long. We are starting to get in to the dog days of summer already in the south east. Lots of weeds and hot, humid conditions.

  6. Your garden is beautiful, loving the speedwell and your clematis is huge. It looks wonderful.

  7. The Cistus is a good one for me , as well. And Salvia and Pennstemon …must be Vancouver soil !
    Happy Bloom Day ! Everything is looking lovely !

  8. Cornus kousa 'Wolf's Eyes' is stunning. I also love (and grow) Primula vialii; the blooms are so vivid and last a long time. It looks like you are settle in your new garden and doing a fabulous job.

  9. I tried twice with Primula viallii, and couldn't get it to return, you lucky thing (or perhaps it's mad skills.) Your garden looks gorgeous!

  10. I didn't realize you were working in a nursery! That explains a lot...Gorgeous photos by the way. Wow!

  11. Well, what can I say, except "Awesome!" :)

    Enjoy what I hope will be a nicely warm and sunny summer in the PNW!


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