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A Visit to Lux Perennials

I've been wanting to visit Lux Perennials for years now and finally got a chance last week. In a word - Wow! The nursery is located at the owner's home, located west of Portland, up in the hills on Skyline Blvd. The property is breathtaking with fantastic views. A small nursery features perennials propagated from plants in the garden. There were also some plants from commercial sources, notably Proven Winners. I mainly was interested in the display garden but of course I did end up buying some plants. Of course! The nursery is located on the front side of the house and the garden is behind it. Taking the path leading back to the garden, the first thing I spotted was this stunning Monkey Puzzle Tree. Michael has wanted one of them for ages. I finally bought one last year and have it in a pot. I have no idea where such a thing would fit in our garden. Fact - the first time I ever heard of the Monkey Puzzle Tree was in one of my all-time favorite films (and one of the few films

A quick look around Portland Nursery

This morning we went to Portland to go to a sewing business and we got there an hour before they opened (here is a good tip - NEVER trust business hours posted online). Anyway, the initial plan was to drop Michael off and I would go three blocks down the road and walk around Portland Nursery. So, we both ended up going to the nursery to kill the hour.  

Although sunny, it has turned cold again and I mean chillingly cold. Michael had on a light jacket and he went back to wait in the car. 

The witch hazels were blooming all over and I regret not planing one. They get so large and I'm not sure where I would place one now. They are certainly stunning when in bloom.

 Another stunning winter plant is the 'Pacific Fire' vine maple. I do have one of these. 

 The following maple is probably 'Sango Kaku' but I could not see the label.

 The rooftop garden over the little shed looks good -

 So many lovely conifers -

 They also have many beautiful pots and statuary. I love this tuteur but oh my lord, it was $300!

It was a bit of relief to step inside the warm gift shop to escape the bitter cold. They have quite the houseplant collection. When I got back to the car, Michael said that they could not have any houseplants left because he had watched so many people leaving with them. 

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Hi Philip, one thing I love about the Pacific NW is all the wonderful conifers. I could spend all day in a nursery like that, drooling over the selection. I would have to wear some extra layers, however!

  2. Strolling through those aisles chocked full of plants would be a major temptation to me, especially through the conifers. I love them when they are small like in that one picture. Just seeing the pictures makes my heart go pitty patter especially when it is 60F today. Crazy February weather here but I love it. We will pay when it dips back down to the 30's tomorrow night. It will be back to reality.

  3. Maybe everyone was buying houseplants because that is where it was warm. Nice place--thanks for the tour.


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