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March Treasures

Camellia 'Magnoliaflora' and Pieris 'Valley Rose' Buds are budding, flowers are emerging, and the garden is getting greener. Excitement builds! It seems like it is all happening too soon and that is probably the case since the winter has been so mild. There are also mutterings about a "false spring" which is certainly understandable. It is not uncommon here to get a big snow in April. It has happened many times since we've lived here.  Proceed with caution... I would not dream of putting any delicate plants out yet so they will remain in the garage. However, there is a flurry of activities that needs to be done. Rose pruning, cutting back perennials and grasses, transplanting, etc. etc.  It is all worth it - the garden rewards - Crocus Daffodils Anenome Hellebore Camellia 'Donation' Euphorbia wulfenii Tree Heath ( Erica arborea ) Hebe 'Pretty in Pink' Pieris 'Valley Rose' Pieris 'Passion Frost' And last, but certainly not le...

Upcoming Plant Sales

There will be FOUR events in the next few weeks, so mark your calendars and be sure to stop by one (or all!) of them. All proceeds help benefit our local schools. Each of the sales will offer native plants (note that some are not on the Portland Plant List). Please see below for more details about each sale!

BHCP VSP Plant Sales

Fort Vancouver High School Plant Sale:
Wednesday, April 24, 8am-6pm, Thursday, April 25, 8am-5pm and Friday, April 26, 8am-4pm

Native plants available: Trees: Cascara, Oregon White Oak, Vine Maple, Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar; Shrubs: Mock Orange, Flowering Red Currant, Red Twig Dogwood, Cascade Oregon Grape, Baldhip Rose, Nootka Rose, Douglas Spirea, Thimbleberry , Serviceberry, Red Elderberry, Blue Elderberry, Black Hawthorn, Salmonberry, Golden Currant, Smooth Sumac, Salal; Groundcovers: Western Yarrow, Wild Ginger, Sword Fern, Goldenrod, Blue-Eyed Grass, Soft Fruited Bulrush, Tufted Hair Grass, Oregon Sunshine, Maidenhair Fern, Checkermallow, Sedum Spathulifolium 

Prices: Small perennials 4 inch-  $4, Perennial or groundcover 1 gal- $8, Medium tree/shrub 1gal.- $12, Large tree/shrub 2-3 gal.- $15, XL 5 gal pots-$20


Hudson's Bay High School Plant Sale:

Tuesday, April 30 to Friday, May 3, 8am-6pm

Native plants available: Baldhip Rose, Large-leaved Lupine, Black Hawthorn, Blanket Flower, Blue Elderberry, Blue-eyed Grass, Diamond Clarkia, Douglas Meadowfoam, False Aphosel, Farewell to Spring, Golden Currant, Great Camas, Henderson Checkermallow, Mock Orange, Nootka Rose, Oregon Figwort, Oregon Iris, Oregon Phacelia, Oregon Sunshine, Osoberry, Red Alder, Red Elderberry, Red Flowering Currant, Rocky Mountain Bee Plant, Salmonberry, Self Heal, Serviceberry, Showy Milkweed, Spreading Rush, Sword Fern, Twinberry, Western Bleeding Heart, Western Hemlock, White Meadowfoam, Wild Ginger. 

Prices will be from $4 to $15.  Pots sizes of 4" to 2/3 gallons depending on species.

There will also be lots of herbs, fruits, veggies, bedding plants, and hanging baskets.  


Columbia River High School Plant Sale:

Vancouver School District Staff Only – Friday, May 3, 9am-3pm

Open to Public – Saturday, May 4, 9am-3pm

Native plants available: Heal All, Roemer's Fescue, Perennial Lupine (Lupinus perinnis), Tidy Tips, Oregon Sunshine, Baby Blue Eyes, Blanket Flower, Bird's Eyes, Nootka Rose.

There will also be other pollinator-friendly plants and lots of organic and non-GMO vegetables for gardens.


Vancouver Flex Academy Plant Sale: 

Friday, May 3, 2pm-5pm and Saturday, May 4, 9am-2pm

Native plants available: Woodland strawberry, Riverbank lupine, Large-leaved lupine, Farewell-to-spring, Yarrow, Common snowberry, Pacific ninebark. 

There will also be hanging baskets, flowers, and veggie starts.


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