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A Good Year For Roses

'Crown Princess Margareta' Who would have thought that our cold, wet spring would result in such healthy roses?  They have been remarkable, and the continuing cool temperatures keep them looking good. I was more ruthless with pruning this year and I'm not sure if it was that factor or the lush rainfalls we got back in May, perhaps a combination of both, but the result has been a significant growth spurt and an abundance of blooms. 'The Impressionist' 'The Impressionist' has been one of my favorites. It has suffered a lot of abuse from my hands, having been moved twice and then its stiff canes forced down horizontally along the front fence. I was seriously considering moving it again but decided to give it one more chance and it listened. 'Lady Emma Hamilton' 'Lady Emma Hamilton', one of the most deliciously scented roses, was wisely planted near the front door along the sidewalk. It isn't a carefree rose and displays an occasional odd mos

Garden Open Day

Saturday, June 1 
10 - 3


  1. I move Vancouver on June 3. Any chance you'll be having another Open Garden later in the summer?

    1. Yes, possibly but you can contact me and we can arrange a time!

  2. I'm only now finding out about your site - we moved from the Hazel Dell area 4 years ago to the northern Olypmic Peninsula. Very nice to see your garden on the website, I only wish we had paid better attention on one of our countless walks to Safeway, etc. How was the turn-out, this year?

  3. Sure wish I lived nearby, but glad that I have your “blog” to visit. Hope that it went well, and you had a good turnout.


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