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Favorites from the June Garden

Foxtail Lily ( Eremurus x isabellinus 'Pinokkio') and Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' Taking a pause from garden tour photos (there are more to come), I'm looking through some photos from our own garden. June has been a wonderful month and I can't believe it is near the end.  Here are some favorites - Self-Heal ( Prunella ' Summer Daze') - What a pleasant surprise this turned out to be! I bought it late in the season last year from the native plant table. Not seeing it in bloom and attracted by the description, I planted it haphazardly behind the mailbox and remember that it almost didn't make it. It is stunning this year and blooming its little head off. I'm surprised it is doing so well considering that it is a plant that likes lot of moisture.  Meadow-Rue ( Ruta graveolens ) - A long-time favorite, planted alongside our driveway where the conditions are the most brutal in the garden. It is such a graceful plant and blooms for a long time. Campa

Garden Open Day

Saturday, June 1 
10 - 3


  1. I move Vancouver on June 3. Any chance you'll be having another Open Garden later in the summer?

    1. Yes, possibly but you can contact me and we can arrange a time!

  2. I'm only now finding out about your site - we moved from the Hazel Dell area 4 years ago to the northern Olypmic Peninsula. Very nice to see your garden on the website, I only wish we had paid better attention on one of our countless walks to Safeway, etc. How was the turn-out, this year?

  3. Sure wish I lived nearby, but glad that I have your “blog” to visit. Hope that it went well, and you had a good turnout.


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