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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Grass again

I am thrilled with the progress of the grass! I have been watering faithfully and a great rainfall last night really helped. Hard to believe that it looked like this two weeks ago!


  1. That is a big change. What a difference two weeks can make. It looks really nice.

  2. Phillip, that's just amazing! You've been a faithful waterer and the results show it - good for you, and it really looks fabulous.

  3. Looking good. Don't mow it for at least a month. Maybe longer since you are starting in the cooler season. When you do mow, mow on a high setting for the first couple of haircuts.

  4. Looks great Phillip!!! All that hard work paid off. Thanks for sharing you pictures.

  5. It is pretty Phillip. I heard recently while watching a TV show about Jessica the hippo that grass contains protein. Just thought I would throw that in...

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