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The Plants Bees Love

In this day and time, I would hope gardeners understand the importance of bees and other insects in the garden. However, from time to time, a person comes into the nursery and asks for plants that will NOT attract bees (sigh). They are not really gardeners though, they are just looking for a plant to fill a space. I find myself more and more intrigued by bees although I don't know that much about the different types. I do make note of plants that they like and try to add as many as I can to the garden. Over the past weeks, with watering a daily activity amidst a lingering heat-wave, I've conducted an informal survey and noted the plants that they seem to like the most. Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) is one of my favorite perennials and the bees love it too. I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly on it but we don't seem to have many of those. Everybody wants the "Showy Milkweed" (Asclepias speciosa) but I knew

October blooms

Camellia sasanqua 'Cleopatra'

Angel's Trumpet

Hybrid Musk Rose "Buff Beauty"

Fuschia 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt'

Shrub Rose 'Sally Holmes'


Salvia "Black & Blue"

Mexican Petunia (Ruellia)

Pineapple Sage

Sedum 'Angelina'

Clematis 'Elsa Spath'

Miscanthus 'Cabaret'


Variegated Shell Ginger


  1. Nice photos. I like your grasses and the coleus especially. I saw masses of switchgrass at the Chicago Botanic Garden. It made me want to try some. Are they invasive at all?

  2. What is Shell Ginger? Sally Holmes is one of my favorite roses.

  3. Pam, I just planted the switchgrass a few weeks ago. I hope it is not invasive!

    Chuck, the botanical name is 'Alpinia zerumbet'. It is not hardy here - I dig it up and store it in the basement over the winter. It is worth growing for the foliage alone. It blooms in warmer climates and has small flowers that resemble seashells, thus the name.

  4. You have so many beautiful flowers, Phillip - but that 'Buff Beauty' is especially fine.

    It's amusing to see how many garden bloggers have Black & Blue salvia in their posts!

    Annie at the Transplantable Rose

  5. I like to torment myself by looking at southern gardens to see what won't grow well in my own zone 5 garden. I love that Shell Ginger, and knowing you have to take it inside to overwinter, makes me think I could do the same up here in Indiana.

    Thanks for showing us some lovely blooms for GBBD.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

  6. Annie in Austin led me over here by telling me that you had posted a particularly nice picture of the 'Buff Beauty' that I covet andn plan to plant next spring... but I'll definitely be back for more of your lovely photos and posts.

  7. Great photos! My sasanqua Camellia is blooming too. I think it's quite amazing that plants a thousand? miles apart could be blooming at the same time.

  8. When I saw the Camellia I thought of Ki. Your plants look really, really good and I am with the crowd thinking that 'Buff Beauty' is a great looking rose.

  9. I wanted to add that Switch grass ain this part of the woods is a slowly spreading clump. It has not been invasive at all. I haven't seen that cultivar before and it looks nice.

  10. It's so rare that I ever see Angel's Trumpet -- those are beautiful flowers. I like the salvias you have there, too. Great photos!

  11. Wonderful pictures Phillip!! The roses are very nice, I too think that buff beauty is great. Wonder if it will grow here in zone 5? Might have to research that. Shell ginger looks like it would be worth digging up and storing over winter. Thanks for sharing!! Cliff

  12. Nice pictures! You sure have a lot of beautiful things blooming! As a gardener, I'd kinda like to live in a warmer climate with a longer grow season, but as a person who loves the cold-no way!


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