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Swapping Huckleberries

Himalayan Honeysuckle ( Vaccinium glauco album)  Himalayan Honeysuckle ( Vaccinium glauco album) has been an attractive feature along our north-facing foundation since I planted it in 2016. You will have to take my word for it since I cannot locate a photo although I know one exists somewhere in the realm of the Internet or floating on a cloud somewhere.  I did locate a photo of how it looked when it was first planted - It took a few years to fill out but it did so nicely to an attractive mound about 2 feet high by 3 feet wide.  Last year, it started to look bad.  I cut it back but it had not improved and this is how it looked a few weeks ago - I decided to rip it out and plant another huckleberry - this time Vaccinium ovatum , more commonly known as the "Evergreen Huckleberry".  This is a plant that I've wanted for ages and kept putting off getting one because I could not find a good place for it. By most accounts, this is an amazing plant, a native one and excellent for

Finding bargains

I felt like I hit the jackpot this morning when I drove by Home Depot and noticed some very nice boxwood topiaries outside the front entrance with a markdown sign in front of them. Upon further inspection, they were only $5.97 (the salesgirl said the original price was $44.00!). I snatched up all four of them. Two are green and the other two were variegated.  One was even in a nice faux-terra-cotta container. One of the green ones was a tad lop-sided but other than that, I didn't see anything wrong with them.

I potted the green ones in the containers outside the front door and put the variegated ones on the patio. Made my day!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Did they explain why they wanted to get rid of then so cheaply?

  2. That is a really great deal and they look great!

  3. Lucy, no but it is common for both Lowe's and Home Depot to make things down to get rid of them. It is usually at the end of the season when they are making room for new plants.

  4. Awesome!! I once scored a sale at Lowe's where every perennial was $1. I was in heaven!! Bonus good luck on the free pot. :o) Happiness for you!

  5. haha! I saw a similar boxwood deal today, and while I had to go home to 'think' on it, I think I need me some buxus too!

  6. Phillip,

    Good find. You might even get a better deal behind the store. I find tossed out plants often at one of our HDs. A few years ago I got 3 -1 gallon camellias for $10.

    oh this word verification is awful.

  7. You lucky duck. What a snag. I love those varigated shrubs and of course you can't beat a green boxwood.

  8. I love a good bargain and this is an amazing one! Good find!

  9. I worked at a HD competitor that is no longer in business. My boss told be to throw out all of the Japanese Maples because the leaves had come off and he needed the room for Christmas trees. I asked if I could have a few to try and "re-vive" them, and I got 3 for $5.

  10. Great find. I got almost $200 of skypencils, rhodo, gardenia & Encores for a little over $18 at Lowe's last fall. Since I'd just had knee surgery I put them in my greenhouse. I found out field rats love gardenia's. Hopefully those nubs will come back out. Mary

  11. They needed your loving touch! A good end to the weekend for you and the boxwoods!

  12. Excellent bargins! They look great and I think you made good choices.


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