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March Treasures

Camellia 'Magnoliaflora' and Pieris 'Valley Rose' Buds are budding, flowers are emerging, and the garden is getting greener. Excitement builds! It seems like it is all happening too soon and that is probably the case since the winter has been so mild. There are also mutterings about a "false spring" which is certainly understandable. It is not uncommon here to get a big snow in April. It has happened many times since we've lived here.  Proceed with caution... I would not dream of putting any delicate plants out yet so they will remain in the garage. However, there is a flurry of activities that needs to be done. Rose pruning, cutting back perennials and grasses, transplanting, etc. etc.  It is all worth it - the garden rewards - Crocus Daffodils Anenome Hellebore Camellia 'Donation' Euphorbia wulfenii Tree Heath ( Erica arborea ) Hebe 'Pretty in Pink' Pieris 'Valley Rose' Pieris 'Passion Frost' And last, but certainly not le...

Early Bloomers

Camellia 'Donation'

We've had roller coaster weather with some very dreary days - last Wednesday was particularly grim working at the nursery on a cold, windy and wet day. However, more and more days are those like today - sunny, 60-ish and sublime. It is a favorite time of year when each day brings more green. Not to mention more flowers. Herre is a sampling from the garden today -

Blood Currant (Ribes sanguineum)

Euphorbia 'Miner's Merlot' (Euphorbia purpurea)

Anenome blanda

Daphne tangutica & Blue-eyed Mary (Omphaloides verna)

Veronica 'Georgia Blue'

Tree Heath (Erica arborea)

Serviceberry (Amelanchier grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance")

Rhododendron 'Taurus'

Flowering Quince 'Double Take Orange Storm' (Chaenomeles)

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Such a lovely spring mix, Phillip! Every time I see 'Miner's Merlot' I regret my failure to pick up the plant when it was initially offered in smaller pots at a reasonable price here.

  2. Such beautiful blooms! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Wow! You are full of spring blooms, the blood currant is really spectacular. Well so is the flowering quince, and the daphne, etc., etc!

  4. I've always been enchanted by Flowering Quince early appearance on a bare branch. They aren't shy about their color either.

  5. I'm moving to Vancouver in about two months and want to learn how to garden in the PNW. I'm moving from Colorado so I know I have a lot to learn from you and other experienced gardeners. I love reading your blog and seeing the photos of your garden. Are there any books that you or the other viewers would recommend so that I can get off to a good start?

    1. Hello, this is a great place to garden and I know you will love it. I learned a lot when I moved here from Ann Lovejoy's books. The books are older but still good. A more recent one is "Gardening in the Pacific Northwest" by Paul Bonine and Amy Campion. It is good for a dictionary of plants that do well here. A must-have is the "Sunset Western Encyclopedia". I also highly recommend "Timber Press Guide to Gardening in the Pacific Northwest". I would also join the HPSO (Hardy Plant Society of Oregon). Let me know when you get here!

    2. Philip, thank you for these recommendations. I'm really looking forward to being there and learning all about the native plants and how to have a productive, attractive, and nurturing garden. These books and your blog are certainly going to be helpful. (Sorry that I keep forgetting to post with my name rather than anonymous).


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