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Showing posts from June, 2024


Ruth & Gary Clark's Garden

It is always a pleasure to tour this garden. Ruth & Gary Clark's residence is on three acres, all beautifully maintained. There are both sun and shade areas and a large fenced-in vegetable garden. Winding pathways take you from one end of the garden to the other with lovely specimen plants that have plenty of room to do their thing.  We started our stroll at the east side of the garden, which is sunnier. A perfectly shaped Sumac ( Rhus )  greets you. A Sweet Shrub ( Calycanthus 'Aphrodite') is at least eight feet tall and wide and was covered in blooms.  Continuing down the pathway, we see one of my favorite trees, Catalpa bignoinoides 'Aurea'. Robinia pseudoacacia  'Frisia' grows along the grassy areas outside the borders.  I wish I had room for this!   The pathways and borders surround a huge expanse of lawn. Looking toward the vegetable garden. The west side of the garden is shaded by seven huge walnut trees. The property was once a farm. Throughout

Ruth & Gary Clark's Garden

Vicki Green's Garden

Revisiting Laura Scott's Garden

A Good Year For Roses