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Fort Vancouver Garden

I was not interested in watching the debate last week, so I decided to get out of the house. I've been wanting to visit the Fort Vancouver Garden for years and decided to go on the spur of the moment.  Once I got there, it occurred to me that this was not the peak time to see a vegetable garden but what I did see was interesting and there were quite a number for visitors milling about.  This garden once comprised eight acres and the food grown there fed the Hudson's Bay Company Fort's  residents. Today's garden is a smaller version and the vegetables and flowers grown there are some of the same varieties found in the fort's records. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

A Good Year For Roses

'Crown Princess Margareta'

Who would have thought that our cold, wet spring would result in such healthy roses?  They have been remarkable, and the continuing cool temperatures keep them looking good.

I was more ruthless with pruning this year and I'm not sure if it was that factor or the lush rainfalls we got back in May, perhaps a combination of both, but the result has been a significant growth spurt and an abundance of blooms.

'The Impressionist'

'The Impressionist' has been one of my favorites. It has suffered a lot of abuse from my hands, having been moved twice and then its stiff canes forced down horizontally along the front fence. I was seriously considering moving it again but decided to give it one more chance and it listened.

'Lady Emma Hamilton'

'Lady Emma Hamilton', one of the most deliciously scented roses, was wisely planted near the front door along the sidewalk. It isn't a carefree rose and displays an occasional odd mosaic pattern on the leaves, but overall it is a stunning rose.

'Julia Child'

For years, I've heard nothing but raves about 'Julia Child' and finally found a spot for one. Generally, pure yellow roses are not my favorite, but I'm anxious to see what this one does.


'Swany' is a rose I got from Joy Creek Nursery. My plan was for it to drape over the trough that runs along the back of the driveway. It had other plans and has now grown over the top of the fence above it and continues to run down on the other side. The blooms this year are astounding, so thick you can't see the canes or leaves, and pure white.

Others -

'Lady of Shalott'


'Grandmother's Hat'


'Radway Sunrise'


'Buff Beauty'

'Gold Medal'

'Lyda Rose'

'Gertrude Jekyll'

'Tess of the D'Urbervilles'


'Sea Foam'

'Dublin Bay' with Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba'

'Darcey Bussell'

'Robin Hood'


Michael pruning and deadheading

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. They are all gorgeous, Phillip, although I'm especially taken with "The Impressionist', a rose I've never seen before.

  2. Your roses are so beautiful that I could almost smell the stunning scent of each one. Thank you for sharing these.

  3. Oh wow. Your roses are just perfection, Buff Beauty is a real romancer!


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