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Neighbor Gardens: Palmer & Friedlander

The HPSO Vancouver Mini-Garden Tour continued this past weekend with four gardens located on the east side of Vancouver. Two gardens were located just across the street from each other in Hockinson. First up is the garden of Karen Palmer and John Emmett with gorgeous views of the surrounding mountains - Another beautiful clematis - this one is "Happy Jack" - happy indeed! Now this is unique garden statuary! Karen says this came from Tuscon, Arizona, a purchase motivated by their granddaughter. Another unique feature of Karen and John's garden is "Yucca Hill", a collection of yucca planted on a steep hillside.  This garden is five acres and there are many vegetable gardens and an orchard with one hundred heirloom apple trees as well as other fruit trees. It is all fenced in - Karen says they have deer, bears, cougars and other wildlife! Across the street is the garden of Lucie and Mike Friedlander. They moved into the house three years ago and inherited a mature

Revisiting Laura Scott's Garden

A mini-tour of four gardens on the west side of Vancouver took place this past Saturday. I had visited all of the gardens before but it was fun to see them again and with a friend who is new to garden touring.

Our first stop was Laura Scott's beautiful garden which is full of color and artful vignettes. I previously saw her garden two years ago.

I am mesmerized by the bark on this tree and the planting around it is perfect.

Planted on one side is Rose Campion (Silene coronaria)

Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis fruiticosa) surrounds the back of a fantastic statue.

The vegetable garden is so much fun!

That is the rose 'Vielchenblau' (or that's my guess) in the back.

This is a more wooded area over to the side of the main gardens. An azalea is blooming on the right of the arch.

The pink flowering plant on the left is a pink variety of Bowman's Root (Gillenia trifoliata), highly coveted by yours truly. And I'm excited to say that I just obtained a piece today from a friend. Laura's plants are so robust!

Just perfection

Thanks Laura for opening your garden again. It just gets better!

The other three gardens (Vicki Green, Ruth Clark and Gregg Andrews) will be in upcoming posts.

Next Saturday, there will be a tour of four more gardens, this time on the east side of Vancouver. I think I've only seen one of those so I'm excited and hope to go.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. It's a beautifully curated garden. You're lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country, Phillip.

  2. Thanks for sharing these photos of the garden you visited.

    1. You are welcome Ardith. There are more to come.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thanks for the lovely photos and kind words, Phillip. It was great seeing you on Saturday.

    1. You're welcome - thanks for opening and it was great seeing you as well.

  5. What a glorious garden, she is very talented. Beautiful!


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