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Revisting the McElhaney Garden

The last garden on the East Vancouver Mini-Tour was that of Judy and Roger McElhaney. I had visited their garden previously in 2016 and was just blown away. It is hard to believe that it is now eight years later. At first, I didn't recognize their garden. It is astounding how things have grown. The majority is very shady with the exception of one side (pictured above) that is open to the sky.  A beautiful Mock Orange Acer palmatum 'Shirazz' This was the most beautiful shrub, about 5 feet tall and wide and covered with blooms. Judy could not remember what it was but we decided it might be a deutzia. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Meredith Nelson's Garden

Another garden on the East Vancouver Mini-Tour a few weeks ago was Meredith Nelson's five-acre garden in Battleground. This is a cottage garden filled with perennials and clematis. It is also filled with wonderful iron-work decorative objects made by her husband Jeff. Check out the gate below!

I don't know how many clematis Meredith has but it a large number. I saw many varieties that I had never heard of. 

I thought this was Sweet Autumn Clematis (Clematis terniflora) at first but knew that it was too early for it to bloom. It is in fact a clematis but a different one and I have forgotten the name. 

A very creative fence around the vegetable garden made of wheels (not sure what they are exactly) -

This is such a peaceful setting and so quiet. It makes me long for the country. Thank you, Meredith, for opening your garden. It is fun and very inspiring.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. You have so many wonderful gardens in the PNW! I love the flower-filled metal buckets.

  2. The iron gate is wonderful, and the wheels making a fence. Along with the beautiful flowers, of course!


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