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Frosty Morn

Woke up to 27 degrees and a heavy frost. It has turned out to be a pretty sunny day with a high of 45. Except for stepping out briefly to get some photos, I've not been motivated to go out. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Am I next?

As we get older, do we begin to downsize and want our lives to be more simpler? That seems to be happening in our household and the latest casualty is the Christmas decorating. Our outlandish Christmas decorations are now a thing of the past. Actually, we didn't decorate last year, which was kind of ironic because a local magazine ran a story about our house at Christmas.

It all comes down to it all being a lot of hard work and Michael says that he is just not feeling it anymore. He has always been the decorator and the lover of Christmas. He usually starts in mid-September and gets everything up by Thanksgiving. Every room in the house has a tree and garlands and what-nots. Our closets are filled to the max with Christmas ornaments and the storage house out back is packed with the trees. So, I really don't blame him if he is over it. I have to say though that it is somewhat sad for me although I surely won't miss the work and taking it all down which I do since I'm off work after the holidays. We will still put up the main tree this year and maybe even the garlands in the living room.

Everything else is for sale! So, if you'd like to pick up some decorations, trees, garlands, bows, etc., stop by Michael's Salon and pick up some bargains. We may even be listing some items on E-bay as we continue to clear out.


  1. Hi Phillip, sometimes it is just time to move on. Hope you can find good homes for the decorations. We used to go all out too, but have really scaled back once the kids grew up and we moved to this much smaller house. There are different stages to life, and for us, it is time to simplify. :-)

  2. I remember that post. That was an all display for the holidays, as grand as I've ever seen. But when it is time, it is time. Perhaps what doesn't sell could be donated to a charity that might like to brighten its space up for the holidays?

  3. Gosh Phillip, I guess we are coming of that age. I have stopped that over decorating. A few years ago I decided to just not decorate as much. I haven't had the heart to get rid of most of it. It is easy to ignore since it is in the attic. I had a chuckle when I saw how that truck is loaded. I bet we could do the same thing. It sure makes Christmas a little less hectic. The maid will appreciate not having to dust so much too.

  4. I love holiday decorating (am way into 50s/60s vintage), and I agree your inside is Crazy Christmas (tm). However, as far as the outside goes... where are the colored lights and lit figurines?! (No, seriously.) BTW, I'm all about simplifying and have always lived a frugal life... but for my, Xmas is the exception! :)

  5. My partner's mother goes CRAZY for Christmas. She has about 14 Santas doing everything from just standing there to riding a bicycle. The largest one is about 1.5m tall!

    When I was younger, my parents would always decorate the house. It was a lot of fun, but it starts to get taxing. It's a lot of money and time for something that is only visible for about a month each year.

  6. The thing about Christmas that I always wanted to downsize most is the big credit card bill that comes in Jan. We pretty much have, now that we just buy presents for the kids in the family.

    Now I've got to check out your Christmas posts. :)

  7. OK, I feel better now: it's not only me who wrote today about chickens in WINTER, it's also you who wrote about Christmas!

  8. The December after I first met David, the whole house looked like someone threw up hand-made, hand me down crafty Christmas plus all the plastic Santas and complete with the sleigh on the roof. Never been much of a fan, but last year, he just decided out of the blue, "Not this year." He finally did put up a tree and that was it. I still don't know why, other than he said he just wasn't into it all that much. Sure makes January a whole lot more fun! Cute picture of you looking like a race horse who just won.

  9. I love to get rid of stuff, so I can completely sympathize with Michael's feeling. My mom used to go all out at every holiday, and as a kid I absolutely loved it. I haven't been the same kind of decorator for my kids, I'm sad to say. I just don't like the clutter. But I do enjoy seeing other people's all-out displays. I'll miss your Xmas posts.

  10. Hi Phillip~~ Human nature being what it is, you'll get rid of everything and about, say December 1st, the decorating bug will bite and Michael will be lamenting his beloved treasures and make a beeline for the nearest Target [or the like]. He'll have a red pickup full of Christmas cheer and proceed to decorate every room before, say the third of December. You watch. [LOL]

  11. Phillip, in many ways I have done the same thing, and not just with Christmas decorating. I know in my case it is just that I am interested in doing new and different things and some old activities just aren't as important to me anymore as I have grown and changed, so I have cut back or cut things out. I think as we get older, our priorities just change because we change.

    Always Growing

  12. Phillip, It really is a lot of work to keep up the super decorations! I suspect that even your downsized decorated Christmas decorations are still lovely and charming! gail

  13. Oh I'm envious! I've wanted to stop decorating for years now because I'm the one who does everything, and it's just so tiring. Our kids are both in college, and I almost didn't get a tree last year (husband is the one who wants one). But as soon as I brought it into the house, our old dog (now dead) settled himself underneath it contentedly, and I was glad I did. I'd forgotten how much HE loved the tree. We still have a 6-yr-old yellow lab but also added a pup to our household in March, and he eats everything. 2009 may be a tree-less Christmas, finally.

  14. Hi Phillip, don't be too hasty, a couple years from now you may want them all back;) Or you could have fun shopping for new stuff.


  15. I think it would be great to celebrate once every three years or so... sometimes it just seems too commercial. Maybe all natural decorations from our gardens each year but all the rest... simple is best. Red apples, candles, white amaryllis etc. ... and bringing in the forest of course... no storage needed for these. I sure understand wanting to simplify! We all have so much STUFF! and take down is time consuming.

  16. When I saw the picture my mind said "oh boy, a parade".

    I know people who still decorate like you did and it does take weeks to get it done. Their efforts all culminate in two great parties before Christmas, one for their friends and family with children, and another just for adults where everyone can act like a kid in lieu of actually having one.

    Working in retail has ruined any effort on my part to decorate beyond just putting a tree up. The inside manager at the garden center where I work always wants to have the store ready for Christmas by mid-October. Usually by Thanksgiving I am already over it.

  17. It's so early to think about Christmas.

    Mind you, with that lot in the truck, well it would take months.

    We don't decorate too much these days either. Some of the towns around here put on some really nice decs. Sarlat, a beautiful town near here has strings of pure white lights strewn across the medieval streets. It looks really something.

  18. I put out two wreaths, one for the front and one for the side door (the one everyone uses), and that's it. I love getting rid of stuff so I would be in heaven at getting rid of a truckload like you two did! It takes courage so good for you!

  19. You're too young to "be next ", phillip. Christmas is such a magical season and I remember our christmases in my youth in Alabama where all we had was holly and pine boughs gathered from the forest . All our gifts were handmade. It reminds me of Truman Capote's ' Christmas Memories ' in which his aunt would gather pecans and make a pie that she sent to the President of the United States. The President always sent a thank you note.

    Keeping it simple and meaningful is, I think,key to the spirit of the season.l

  20. Christmas decorating is a lot of work. I always love putting it up, it's the cleaning all back up that isn't very fun. I'm sure your home will still look great for the holidays, which don't really feel all that far off right now, yikes!

  21. ran across your blog today, interesting, HAAAAA, i so like it best when someone else does the Christmas Deco also, have to admit i have one Odd ball deco I havn't taken down since it went up a couple years ago.

    the best is yet to come!

  22. I wish I lived close enough to take some of them off your hands as they look very elaborate. I've got this big old house now but the decorations of a little house. No money to spend on decorations when I'm buying plants all the time.

    I do wish the crazy kids in my neighborhood would quit mating my Christmas deer. I go out about twice during the season and unmate them. comical really.

    You two are funny and a joy to read about.

  23. LORD! Christmas will NEVER be the same! Miss you!


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